Currently I am using Spring 2.6.7 WebFlux/Kotlin Coroutines stack in a project.
In a Java project, it is easy to run the EventListener in an async thread like this.
class MyEventListener{
void onOrderPlaced(event) {
But in the Kotlin Coroutines, the @Async
does not work, and the EventListener
dose not accept a suspend
class MyEventListener{
@Async //does not work
fun onOrderPlaced(event) {
suspend fun onOrderPlaced(event) { // `suspend` does not work
fun onOrderPlaced(event) = runBlocking { // works, but did not run this continuation in background like `@Async`
CodePudding user response:
One way I can think is to use application specific coroutine context in your application configuration.
class ApplicationConfiguration {
private val applicationCoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob() Dispatchers.IO)
fun applicationScope(): CoroutineScope = applicationCoroutineScope
and then
class MyEventListener(private val applicationScope: CoroutineScope) {
fun onOrderPlaced(event) {
applicationScope.launch {
// Do something with the event.
Something around that line should work for your use case.