If I have a two different structs, that mostly overlap each other in regards to their property types, and I need to create one from the other, is there some more concise way to do so w/o having to verbosely set each and every property?
Example: https://go.dev/play/p/k4TUrWQ7JLD
package main
import (
type Foo struct {
A int64
B string
C []string
D []int
// many other properties
type Bar struct {
A string
B string
C []int64
D []int
// many other properties
func getBarA(a int64) string {
// somhow map an int64 from Foo to a string for Bar
return "A"
func getBarC(a []string) []int64 {
// somhow map an int64 from Foo to a string for Bar
return []int64{1, 2, 3}
func getABarFromFoo(foo Foo) Bar {
return Bar{
A: getBarA(foo.A),
B: foo.B,
C: getBarC(foo.C),
D: foo.D,
// All the rest of possibly MANY properties :-(
func main() {
b := getABarFromFoo(Foo{})
As you can imagine, this mapping can get very repetitive/verbose… is there some way to just do something simple like this? (yes, I know this isn’t proper Go)
b:= Bar{
A: getBarA(foo.A),
B: getBarC(foo.C),
I'm looking/hoping/