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How do you get paths of copied files from clipboard?


I need to retrieve paths of files and folders currently copied into the clipboard, is this possible in C#?

So let's say I do Ctrl C a folder. That folder will go to clipboard, I need a way to extract the path to that folder. Same goes for copied files.

I'm developing a file server, I already can send files and folders: all I need is to provide a list of paths to the function.

CodePudding user response:

Microsoft supplies some samples about it:

Have a look at: DragDropOpenTextFile

This is the method used to check it there is a file copied in the clipboard:

// If the data object in args is a single file, this method will return the filename.
// Otherwise, it returns null.
private string IsSingleFile(DragEventArgs args)
    // Check for files in the hovering data object.
    if (args.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop, true))
        var fileNames = args.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop, true) as string[];
        // Check for a single file or folder.
        if (fileNames?.Length is 1)
            // Check for a file (a directory will return false).
            if (File.Exists(fileNames[0]))
                // At this point we know there is a single file.
                return fileNames[0];
    return null;

You get a DragEventArgs from the Drop event handler of your control.

private void EhDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs args)
    // Mark the event as handled, so Control's native Drop handler is not called.
    args.Handled = true;

    var fileName = IsSingleFile(args);
    if (fileName != null)
        // Do something.

CodePudding user response:

Ok got it to work myself, Clipboard.GetFileDropList() gets you both files and folders paths, what a neat little function!

var unparsedFilesList = Clipboard.GetFileDropList();
foreach(var filePath in unparsedFilesList)
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