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pandas evaluating strings as numeric


assume df as;

data = {'duration':['1week 3day 2hour 4min 23', '2hour 4min 23sec', '2hour 4min', np.nan, '', '23sec']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

I'm trying to calculate the duration as sum of seconds. Replaced the values as:

df['duration'] = df['duration'].str.replace('week', '*604800 ') \
                                                                 .str.replace('day', '*604800 ') \
                                                                 .str.replace('hour', '*3600 ') \
                                                                 .str.replace('min', '*60 ') \
                                                                 .str.replace('sec', '')  \
                                                                 .str.replace(' ', '')

But cant run eval functions like (pd.eval, apply.eval, eval etc). Some cells ends with ' ' sign or other string/na problems.. Any help?

Ps: This is not a duplicate question.

CodePudding user response:

You can use a regex combined to a custom function to replace weeks by 7 days and add seconds on lonely numbers (you can add other units). Then convert to_timedelta:

def change_units(m):
    d = {'week': (7, 'days'), '': (1, 's')}
    _, i, period = m.groups()
    factor, txt = d[period]
    return f'{factor*int(i)}{txt}'
df['delta'] = pd.to_timedelta(df['duration'].str.replace(r'((\d)\s*(week|)\b)',
                                                         replace, regex=True))


                   duration            delta
0  1week 3day 2hour 4min 23 10 days 02:04:23
1          2hour 4min 23sec  0 days 02:04:23
2                2hour 4min  0 days 02:04:00
3                       NaN              NaT
4                                        NaT
5                     23sec  0 days 00:00:23

Then you can benefit from the TimeDelta object, for example to convert to total_seconds:

                                           change_units, regex=True)


0    871463.0
1      7463.0
2      7440.0
3         NaN
4         NaN
5        23.0
Name: duration, dtype: float64

CodePudding user response:

I had a different approach to the excellent accepted answer:

I wrote a function to convert the string into seconds:

def convert_all(s):
    if not isinstance(s, str):
        # E.g. for np.nan
        return s
    return sum(convert_part(part) for part in s.split())

def  convert_part(part):
    """Convert an individual segment into seconds.

    >>> convert_part('1day')
    if part.isnumeric():
        return float(part)
    in_seconds = {'week': 7*24*60*60, 'day': 24*60*60, 'hour': 60*60, 'min': 60, 'sec': 1}
    for k,v in in_seconds.items():
        if part.endswith(k):
            return float(part.strip(k))*v
        # Handle error here - just printing for now
        return 0.0

then you can use Series.apply:

df['duration_sec'] = df['duration'].apply(convert_all)


                   duration  duration_sec
0  1week 3day 2hour 4min 23      871463.0
1          2hour 4min 23sec        7463.0
2                2hour 4min        7440.0
3                       NaN           NaN
4                                     0.0
5                     23sec          23.0
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