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Spring boot Jpa search data with multiple fields and paginate results


I am trying to search data on the basis of 5 input fields in spring boot jpa repository also in result will get multiple columns data in pagination. So suppose out of 5 fields only 4 input fields is given then it will search on the basis of 4 input data with and conditions. Can any one please provide complete code with explaination.

CodePudding user response:

I used Specification inside my projects so that I can create dynamic queries depending if parameter exists.

First, you need to create a util class where you keep your Specifications so that you can call them statically.

public class YourSpecifications {
    private YourSpecifications() {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Utility Class");

    public static Specification<YourEntity> ifExistsEquals(ParameterType parameterNullable) {
        return (root, query, criteriaBuilder) -> Optional.ofNullable(parameterNullable)
                .map(parameter -> criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("yourFieldForParameter"), parameter))
                .orElse(criteriaBuilder.conjunction()); // Thanks to this code block if your parameter does not exist it will not include inside query


To execute our queries with specifications, we need to add another implementation which is JpaSpecificationExecutor<T> inside our Repository interface.

public interface YourRepository extends JpaRepository<YourEntity, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<YourEntity> {// I defined my primary key as Long

Now we can create a filter inside our service layer

public class YourService {
    private static final String ORDER_BY = "id"; //your preference 
    private final YourRepository yourRepository;

    public Page<YourEntity> findAll(YourParameter yourParamNullable, Integer page, Integer size) {
        Specification<BasketEntity> filter =
                Specification.where(YourSpecifications.ifExistsEquals(yourParamNullable))// more queries with .and(), .or(). etc. 

        return yourRepository.findAll(filter, PageRequest.of(page, size, Sort.by(Sort.Direction.DESC, ORDER_BY)));//Best to convert your own dto this is just an example

CodePudding user response:

I created an article that describes exactly this. You can read it here: https://pavankjadda.medium.com/search-data-across-multiple-columns-using-spring-data-jpa-fc0a24799991

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