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How to split a string in TSQL by space character


I have a difficult task in TSQL that I can't seem to find a simple way to do. I am trying to use CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(sentence, ' '), but I can only get one word to the method. Can you please help? Thank you.

Sample sentence:

  1. I need to split strings using TSQL.
  2. This approach is traditional, and is supported in all versions and editions of SQL Server.

Desired answer:

  1. I need
  2. to split
  3. strings using
  4. TSQL.

Desired Answer:

  1. This approach
  2. is traditional
  3. , and
  4. is supported
  5. in all
  6. versions and
  7. editions of
  8. SQL Server.

CodePudding user response:

Here you go:

First add a space to any comma (you want a comma treated as a word), then split the string on each space into rows using some Json, then assign groups to pair each row using modulo and lag over(), then aggregate based on the groups:

declare @s varchar(100)='This approach is traditional, and is supported in all versions and editions of SQL Server';

select Result = String_Agg(string,' ') within group (order by seq)
from (
  select j.[value] string, Iif(j.[key] % 2 = 1, Lag(seq) over(order by seq) ,seq) gp, seq
  from OpenJson(Concat('["',replace(Replace(@s,',',' ,'), ' ', '","'), '"]')) j
  cross apply(values(Convert(tinyint,j.[key])))x(seq)
group by gp;


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See Demo Fiddle

  •  Tags:  
  • tsql
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