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Print Django model data as JavaScript Array


I have printed a for loop as below in my HTML Template:

                {% for athlete in booking.athlete.all %}
                {% endfor %}

The Output in HTML is as below.


Is it possible to get the output to appear as [ "1", "2", "3" ], so we can then use this as a JS array or object?

I have tried a few things from the Django Template but it does not remove the additional white space.

CodePudding user response:

The easiest way is probably to use a custom template tag to get the list of athlete.ids, and then the built-in json_script filter to render those ids as json.

Let's assume your app name is myapp. If you don't have any custom filters yet, create the directory myapp/templatetags/, and add an empty __init__.py file. Then in the file myapp/templatetags/myapp_filters.py add:

from django import template

register = template.Library()

def qs_to_id_list(qs):
    return list(qs.values_list('id', flat=True))

In your template example, you would do:

{% load myapp_filters %}
{% for booking in bookings %}

    {# set a unique script id for easier access in javascript #} 
    {% with script_id='athletes-data-'|add:booking.id %}
    {% endwith %}
{% endfor %}

The json_script filter will render a block like this (in each table row):

<script id="athletes-data-5" type="application/json">[1, 2, 3]</script>

which can be accessed in your client-side javascript.

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