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Perform operations on button values in JavaScript


I'm trying to make a calculator in JS and I'm searching for ways to add, subtract, multiply and divide button values. I've created a function to display the buttons but now I realize that that might not be necessary and I might need just one function which displays and does the operation.

HTML code:

        <div >
            <button value="1" onclick="displayButtons(this)">1</button>
            <button value="2" onclick="displayButtons(this)">2</button>
            <button value="3" onclick="displayButtons(this)">3</button>
            <button value="4" onclick="displayButtons(this)">4</button> 
            <button value="=" id="calculate" onclick="performOperations(this)">=</button>
        <div >
            <button value=" " onclick="displayButtons(this)" style="width: 2rem; top: 5rem;"> </button>
            <button value="-" onclick="displayButtons(this)" style="left: -6rem; top: 5rem;">-</button>

JS code:

function displayButtons(button) {
    outputDiv.innerHTML  = button.value

function performOperations(button) {

    var val = parseFloat(button.getAttribute("value"));
    var total = parseFloat(document.getElementById('output').getAttribute("value"));

    document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = total   val;

That is my attempt to do addition the button values and I have the performOperations called on the "=" sign which currently displays NaN onclick. (I'm working on the addition first).
Any push in the right direction is appreciated. Thank you!

CodePudding user response:

You're right that you can use one function to do all the work but it means that you have to mark up your HTML with classes and data-attributes.

In this example I've used CSS grid to display the various calculator buttons. The "equals" and "clear" buttons have a data attribute to help the function decide what operation to do.

// Cache our elements and add an event listener
// to the button container. `handleClick` returns a
// new function that is called when the listener is fired
const output = document.querySelector('.output');
const buttons = document.querySelector('.buttons');
buttons.addEventListener('click', handleClick(), false);

function handleClick() {

  // Initialise the sum
  const sum = [];

  // Return the function that will be called
  // when a click event occurs
  return function(e) {

    // Because we're using event delegation (details
    // below) we need to check that the element that
    // was clicked was a button
    if (e.target.matches('.button')) {

      // Destructure the type from the dataset, and
      // the text content
      const { dataset: { type }, textContent } = e.target;

      // `switch` on the type
      switch (type) {

        // If it's equals evaluate the elements in
        // the array, and output it
        case 'equals': {
          output.textContent = eval(sum.join(''));
        // Clear empties the array, and clears
        // the output
        case 'clear': {
          sum.length = 0;
          output.textContent = '';
        // Otherwise add the textContent to
        // the array, and update the output
        default: {
          output.textContent = sum.join(' ');


.buttons {display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 40px);grid-gap:0.3em;}
.button {display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;background-color: #efefef; border: 1px solid #565656;padding: 0.5em;}
.button:not(.void):hover {background-color: #dfdfdf; cursor:pointer;}
.output {height: 20px; padding: 0.5em 0.2em;font-size: 1.2em;border:1px solid #565656;margin-bottom: 0.2em;}
<div >
  <div ></div>
  <div >
    <div >7</div>
    <div >8</div>
    <div >9</div>
    <div >*</div>
    <div >4</div>
    <div >5</div>
    <div >6</div>
    <div >/</div>
    <div >1</div>
    <div >2</div>
    <div >3</div>
    <div >-</div>
    <div >0</div>
    <div data-type="clear" >C</div>
    <div data-type="equals" >=</div>
    <div > </div>

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