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Unable to sort documents after grouping mongodb aggregation framework


so i am trying to sort notifications array of user by it's insertion date (i want the latest one on top) but it seems to be not working am i missing something ?

here's the template for data:

  _id: "628ceeae3df06d49419f0bb4",
  name: "John",
  notifications: [
    {_id: "someIdA", details: "xyz", dateTime: "1653321337762"},
    {_id: "someIdB", details: "jkl", dateTime: "1653321337762"}
    {_id: "someIdC", details: "abc", dateTime: "1653321321323"}
    {_id: "someIdD", details: "lmn", dateTime: "1653123412341"}

and the aggregation pipeline that i'm trying:

const foundUser = await users.aggregate([
      $match: {
        _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userId)
      $project: {
        notifications: 1,
        _id: 0
      $sort: {
        _id: -1

CodePudding user response:

First unwind the array of notifications array, sort the documents by notifications DateTime key, then group them by the user.

This is the mongo shell query:

    $match: {
      _id: "628ceeae3df06d49419f0bb4"
    $unwind: "$notifications"
    $sort: {
      "notifications.dateTime": -1
    $group: {
      _id: "$_id",
      notifications: {
        $push: "$notifications"
    "$project": {
      "notifications": 1,
      "_id": 0

Here, is the working link Mongodb Playground

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