Home > Blockchain >  eigenvectors created by numpy.linalg.eig have dots instead of data
eigenvectors created by numpy.linalg.eig have dots instead of data


I want to calculate complex eigenvectors (Psi functions for shrodinger equation) for 20k*20k matrices, but always gets smth like this:

[  2.99009782e-09  -1.12381299e-08  -2.82346868e-08 ...,   6.20967928e-34
  -4.80675528e-34  -3.84848719e-35]
[  4.07337553e-08  -1.45976681e-07  -3.47961439e-07 ...,   7.43558322e-34
  -5.74815572e-34  -4.61317607e-35]
[  5.51921102e-07  -1.88491289e-06  -4.26000711e-06 ...,   9.29535407e-34
  -7.15304083e-34  -5.78846547e-35]

As I understand it just replaces part of data with dots, it's strange. May be there is a problem with saving data in file? My code is attached:

import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.linalg as la
from numpy.linalg import eigvalsh
def potential(i):
    return -1/(10*(math.cos((i/2-5)*math.pi/10)-1)*(math.cos((i/2-5)*math.pi/10)-1) 1)
def element(i,j):
    if i==j:
        return 0.1524 potential(i)
    if abs(i-j)==1:
        return -0.1524/2
    return 0
I = 1j
for i in range(0,2000):
    for j in range(0,2000):
arr = np.array(a)
print('matrix created')
eigvals, eigvecs = la.eig(arr)
print('eigenvalues and eigenvectors calculated')
eigvals = eigvals.real
f = open('Energies.txt', 'w')
for element in eigvals:
    f.write(str(element) '\n')
print("eigenvalues stored")
f = open('Psi_functions.txt', 'w')
for element in eigvecs:
    f.write(str(element) '\n')

CodePudding user response:

Use np.savetxt

np.savetxt('Energies.txt', eigvals)

np.savetxt('Psi_functions.txt', eigvecs)

Use np.loadtxt to load them:

eigvals2 = np.loadtxt('Energies.txt')

eigvecs2 = np.loadtxt('Psi_functions.txt')
>>> (eigvals == eigvals2).all()

>>> (eigvecs == eigvecs2).all()

CodePudding user response:

You can use:

for element in eigvecs:
    for e in element:
        f.write(str(e) ' ')

But watch out for the size of the file, you will get about 100 Mbytes.

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