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How to access dynamically set inputs name property in an Angular form in the template


I wrapped an ngx-datatable component in a form tag so I can validate inputs in the table cells. Due to the nature of how the table is populated I set the inputs name properties dynamically

<form #tableForm="ngForm">
        <ng-container *ngFor="let column of rowDeffinition; let columnIndex=index">
          <ngx-datatable-column [prop]="column.key" [name]="column.label">
            <ng-template ngx-datatable-cell-template let-rowIndex="rowIndex" let-value="value" let-row="row">
                (blur)="updateCellValue($event, column.key, rowIndex)"
                [name]="rowIndex   '-'   column.key"



Normally, the name property would creates a local variable in the template and you can access the inputs control properties via the variable name.

<input type="text" name="name" [(ngModel)]="name" required minlength="4" />
<div *ngIf="name.invalid && name.touched">

I wonder how can I do this dynamically in the same manner I set the inputs name. So far I was able to access the input controls via the form reference but this becomes quite wordy

<span *ngIf="!tableForm.controls[rowIndex   '-'   column.key]?.valid && 
      !tableForm.controls[rowIndex   '-'   column.key]?.pristine"

CodePudding user response:

You can wrap your input in new component and you can access these generated components via @ViewChildren(...) in parent components .ts file:

@ViewChildren(NgxDatatableInput) datatableInputs: QueryList<NgxDatatableInput>;

I recommend to create method in parent component, which retrieves concrete datatableInput from datatableInputs by name as parameter. After that you can use this method in generated, new ValidationSpanComponent:

<ValidationSpan [control]="getDatatableInput(dynamicName)">

Template of ValidationSpanComponent:

<span *ngIf="!control.valid && 

CodePudding user response:

Inspired by this answer I came up with following solution

<form #tableForm="ngForm">
        <ng-container *ngFor="let column of rowDeffinition; let columnIndex=index">
          <ngx-datatable-column [prop]="column.key" [name]="column.label">
            <ng-template ngx-datatable-cell-template let-rowIndex="rowIndex" let-value="value" let-row="row">
              <!-- Helper template allowing to define few variables for more readable property binding-->
              <ng-template #cellContent [ngTemplateOutlet]="cellContent"              
                let-cellName="cellName" let-isValidInput="isValidInput" let-isPristineInput="isPristineInput"
                  cellName: rowIndex   '-'   column.key,
                  isValidInput: tableForm.controls[rowIndex   '-'   column.key]?.valid,
                  isPristineInput: tableForm.controls[rowIndex   '-'   column.key]?.pristine,
                  isRequiredInput: column.input?.required

                  (blur)="updateCellValue($event, column.key, rowIndex)"



This improves the general readability vastly, since my table has a very complex logic, and i track the state of the cell in a structure like:

interface EditTableRowStatus {
    editing: { [coolumnId: string]: boolean},
    changed: { [coolumnId: string]: boolean},
    addedRow: boolean;

let rowsStates = EditTableRowStatus[]

which led to super complex property binding in the template

  *ngIf="column.input?.type === INPUT_TYPES.TEXT && (rowsStates[rowIndex]?.editing?.[column.key] || rowsStates[rowIndex]?.addedRow)"
  [autofocus]="!rowsStates[rowIndex]?.addedRow || columnIndex === 0 "
  (blur)="updateCellValue($event, column.key, rowIndex)"
  [ngClass]="{'has-changes': rowsStates[rowIndex]?.changed?.[column.key]}"
  [name]="rowIndex   '-'   column.key"

now becoming much more readable

  *ngIf="inputType === INPUT_TYPES.TEXT && (isEditing || isAddedRow)"
  [autofocus]="!isAddedRow || columnIndex === 0 "
  (blur)="updateCellValue($event, column.key, rowIndex)"
  [ngClass]="{'has-changes': isChanged}"
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