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How to update values in C std::pair<int, int>


I have this function that returns the location of a robot (which is just a [row][col] pair of indices from a matrix):

std::pair<int, int> World::getRobotLocation(char robot_name){
    auto const & location = robots.find(robot_name);
    if (location == robots.end()) {
        std::cout << "Robot " << robot_name << " does not exist." << std::endl;
    return location->second;

Below, I am trying to implement the move() function, which takes in the robot name, location and which direction to move and updates the position accordingly:

std::string move(char robot, char direction) {
    // Get robot and its location
    std::pair<int, int> robot_location = std::pair<int, int> World::getRobotLocation(robot);

    // Get direction to move from user
        // if L, map_[row 1][col]
        // if D, map_[row][col 1]
        // if R, map_[row-1][col]
        // if U, map_[row][col 1]
    // According to user input, update the robot's location

    if (direction == 'L') { 
        robot_location = robot_location[ 1][]
    else if (direction == 'D') { 
        robot_location = robot_location[][-1]
    else if (direction == 'R') { 
        robot_location = robot_location[-1][]
    else { 
        robot_location = robot_location[][ 1]


In my variable robot_location, I am saving the location of that particular robot. How can I access the values of this std::pair<int, int> to be able to update them?

CodePudding user response:

I think you want something like this:

    if (direction == 'L') { 
        robot_location.first  = 1;
    else if (direction == 'D') {
        robot_location.second -= 1;

    // ...etc (you get the idea)

first and second are the names of the two elements in a std::pair (that's also why the return value of robots.find(...) dereferences to something that has first and second - that's a std::pair of the key and value types of the map).

Bear in mind that getRobotLocation, as it's currently written, will return a copy of the std::pair of coordinates, not a reference to the original coordinates inside the map. Therefore, just updating that std::pair won't be enough on its own. You'll need to either save the value back into the robots map, or change what getRobotLocation returns (see @Goswin and @Ted's comments).

CodePudding user response:

Your first function has a bug. It reports when a robot is not found, but still dereferences the end iterator, which causes undefined behavior. Instead, you should return a pointer, which is conditionally null:

// Returns null if the robot is not found:
std::pair<int, int>*
World::getRobotLocation(char robot_name){
    auto const location = robots.find(robot_name);
    if (location == robots.end()) {
        return nullptr;
    return &location->second;

And in your other function, you check to see, if the pointer is not null, you update the value:

// Returns true if move happens, 
// false otherwise.
move(char robot, char direction) {
    auto const robot_location = World::getRobotLocation(robot);

    if (!robot_location) return false;

    switch (direction) {
        case 'L': {
        } break;
        case 'D': {
        } break;
        case 'R': {
        } break;
        default: {
        } break;
    return true;
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