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ReactJS: Use setState at the end of a if statement inside a function


As the title says, I am trying to a use setState inside of an if statement that is set inside a function and I'm having some issues.

I am trying to crete a series of Tab components, which take a function as inline style to determine if they should be visible or hidden. However, before I do the return for that function, I want to setState for the index of the rendered tab.

    <Tab label="Tab 1" {...a11yProps(0)} style={displayTab(dataGames.length, 0)} />;
    <Tab label="Tab 2" {...a11yProps(1)} style={displayTab(dataTvShows.length, 1)} />;
    <Tab label="Tab 3" {...a11yProps(2)} style={displayTab(dataMovies.length, 2)} />;
    <Tab label="Tab 4" {...a11yProps(3)} style={displayTab(dataSpotify.length, 3)} />;

Here is my displayTab function:

  const displayTab = (dataLength:number, index:number) => {
    if(dataLength === 0) {
      return {display:"none"};
      setTabIndex(index) //<----- this causes the Error!
      return {display:"flex"};

However, whenever I run this, I get an error related to infinite render. My tabindex is just a simple number state const [tabIndex, setTabIndex] = useState<number>(0);

The Tab component is a part of Material UI.

How can I call my setTabIndex before I return {display:'flex'} inside my function?

CodePudding user response:

Not sure what are you trying to achieve, but try below code

  const displayTab = (dataLength:number, index:number) => {
    if(dataLength === 0) {
      return {display:"none"};
       if(index !== tabIndex) setTabIndex(index) 
      return {display:"flex"};

CodePudding user response:

if you use a ternary operator like this it will only hide of stated tab and other able to display.

    const [tab,setTab] = useState(0)

    return <Tab label={`Tab ${index}`} {...a11yProps(index)} style={tab === index ?{display:"none"}:{display:"flex"}} />;

CodePudding user response:

Do not put the seTabIndex in the displayTab function

const handleChange = (event, value) => {

 <Tabs value={value} onChange={handleChange}>
      <Tab label="Item One" />
      <Tab label="Item Two" />
      <Tab label="Item Three" />

CodePudding user response:

Calling setTabIndex in JSX isn't ideal, you know why? Your component renders and as soon as setTabIndex is called it changes your tabIndex state and then it re-renders, thus ending in a loop.

I'm guessing that you're trying to keep an active index in the tabIndex state, right?

You need to set the new tabIndex when a tab is clicked.

You need a handler for that, see handleChange below.

const [tabIndex, setTabIndex] = React.useState(0);

const handleChange = (event: React.SyntheticEvent, newTabIndex: number) => {

And then you should pass that handler to your Tabs' onChange prop. Tabs' value prop should receive tabIndex state.

<Tabs value={tabIndex} onChange={handleChange} 

Finally your displayTab should calculate the styles like this.

const displayTab = (dataLength: number) => {
  return { 
    display: dataLength === 0 ? 'none' : 'flex' 

and should be called like this

<Tab label="Tab 1" {...a11yProps(0)} style={displayTab(dataGames.length)} />

CodePudding user response:

you should not use setState in this case, it's really bad way to solve the problem

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