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Terraform trouble with list in a map using for_each


I'm trying to take each value from the list in the map and iterate over it with the description in a map for a prefix list but can't work out how.


users = {
  "user1" = {
    description = ""
    secret_key_value = {
      username       = "user1"
      home_directory = "/user1/"
    allowlist = [""]
  "user2" = {
    description = ""
    secret_key_value = {
      username       = "user2"
      home_directory = "/user2/"
    allowlist = ["", ""]


resource "aws_ec2_managed_prefix_list" "sftp" {
  count = local.prefix_list_enabled ? 1 : 0

  name           = "User Whitelist"
  address_family = "IPv4"
  max_entries    = 10

  dynamic "entry" {
    for_each = { 
      for k, v in var.users : k => v 
      if v.allowlist != "" || v.description != ""

    content {
      cidr        = entry.value.allowlist
      description = entry.value.description

With the above, I'm getting "Inappropriate value for attribute "cidr": string required.". I need to break up the list values in the allowlist variable key and iterate through them with the description. Does anyone know how I can achieve this?

CodePudding user response:

You have to flatten your users:

locals {
  users_flat = merge([
    for k,v in var.users: {
      for cidr in v.allowlist:
        "${k}-${cidr}" => {
            description = v.description
            secret_key_value = v.secret_key_value
            "cidr"  = cidr


  dynamic "entry" {
    for_each = local.users_flat

    content {
      cidr        = entry.value.cidr
      description = entry.value.description
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