Home > Blockchain >  How to update a single Property of an Object in Database with Post and NOT PATCH? (Java, springboot)
How to update a single Property of an Object in Database with Post and NOT PATCH? (Java, springboot)


I want to create a Post method to update a single property from my API main Object:

@Document(collection = "tableItems")
public class TableItem {

    private String id;
    private int roundNumber;
    private RoundState roundState;
    private int bigBlind;
    private int smallBlind;
    private int maxSize;
    private int freeSeats;
    private double tableChips;
    private List<Card> tableCards;
    private List<Player> players;
    private List<Seat> seats;


So, this object ist save on my MongoDB. I want to add a new Player on players, but all other properties should not change!

In my GameController, I have a @RequestMapping("/api/tableitems") and my method looks like this:

public void postNewPlayer(@RequestBody Player newPlayer, String tableId) {
    gameService.addNewPlayer(id, newPlayer);

In my GameService my addNewPlayer method looks like this:

public void addNewPlayer(Player newPlayer, String tableId) {

    TableItem tableToBeUpdated = tableItemsRepo.findById(tableId)
            .orElseThrow( () -> new NoSuchElementException(("Table with ID "   tableId   " not found!")));


IntelliJ grumbles and throws the following error message:

Inferred type 'S' for type parameter 'S' is not within its bound; should extend 'backend.model.TableItem'

And finally my repository looks like this:

public interface TableItemsRepository extends MongoRepository<TableItem, String> {

Is it at all possible to update a single property of an object with @POST? How does it work? If not, how else can it be done? I am at a loss and would be very grateful for some help... Thanks a lot!

CodePudding user response:

you can have 2 solutions:

CodePudding user response:

Thanks for the quick feedback! I have seen some thinking errors already... my Repository expects TableItems and I just give it the property I want to change(Player in Players). I also forgot by the @Post the PathVariable with the TableId.

Through your tips I have now found a solution that also works! Here my code:


public void postNewPlayer(@RequestBody Player newPlayer, @PathVariable String id) {
    gameService.addNewPlayer(newPlayer, id);


public void addNewPlayer(Player newPlayer, String tableId) {

    TableItem tableToBeUpdated = tableItemsRepo.findById(tableId)
            .orElseThrow( () -> new NoSuchElementException(("Table with ID "   tableId   " not found!")));
    List<Player> players =  tableToBeUpdated.getPlayers();
    if( players == null) {
        players = new ArrayList<>();

I did not have to change anything in the repo. The result it looks like this in the DB:

   "roundNumber": 2,
   "bigBlind": 20,
   "smallBlind": 10,
   "maxSize": 2,
   "freeSeats": 2,
   "tableChips": 0,
   "tableCards": [
      "rank": "FIVE",
      "suit": "HEARTS"
     "rank": "SEVEN",
     "suit": "SPADES"
  "players": [
     "playerName": "brasuca",
     "playerChips": 1000,
     "playerCards": [
        "rank": "SEVEN",
        "suit": "HEARTS"
       "rank": "KING",
       "suit": "HEARTS"

Thank you very much for your help!!

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