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Cannot install Helm chart when accessing GKE cluster directly


I've set up a basic GKE cluster using Autopilot settings. I am able to install Helm charts on it using kubectl with proper kubeconfig pointing to the GKE cluster.

I'd like to do the same without the kubeconfig, by providing the cluster details with relevant parameters. To do that I'm running a docker container using alpine/helm image and passing the paramtrised command which looks like this:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/chart alpine/helm install <my_chart_name> /chart --kube-apiserver <cluster_endpoint> --kube-ca-file /chart/<cluster_certificate_file> --kube-as-user <my_gke_cluster_username> --kube-token <token>

unfortunately it returns :

Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: Kubernetes cluster unreachable: Get "http://<cluster_endpoint>/version": dial tcp <cluster_endpoint>:80: i/o timeout

Is this even doable with GKE?

CodePudding user response:

One challenge will be that GKE leverages a plugin (currently built in to kubectl itself but soon the standlone gke-gcloud-auth-plugin) to obtain an access token for the default gcloud user.

This token expires hourly.

If you can, it would be better to mount the kubeconfig (${HOME}/.kube/config) file into the container as it should (!) then authenticate as if it were kubectl which will not only leverage the access token correctly but will renew it as appropriate.


docker run \
--interactive --tty --rm \
--volume=${PWD}/.kube:/root/.kube \
--volume=${PWD}/.helm:/root/.helm \
--volume=${PWD}/.config/helm:/root/.config/helm \
--volume=${PWD}/.cache/helm:/root/.cache/helm \
alpine/helm ...

NOTE It appears there are several (.helm, .config and .cache) other local paths that may be required too.

CodePudding user response:

Problem solved! A more experienced colleague has found the solution.

  1. I should have used the address including "http://" protocol specification. That however still kept returning "Kubernetes cluster unreachable: " error, with "unknown" details instead.
  2. I had been using incorect username. Instead the one from kubeconfig file, a new service account should be created and its name used instead in a form system:serviceaccount:<namespace>:<service_account>. However that would not alter the error either.
  3. The service account lacked proper role, following command did the job: kubectl create rolebinding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=<namespace>:<service_account>. Ofc, cluster-admin might now be the role we want to give away freely.
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