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Follow up Question for TKinter ComboBox Variable Issue - adding button functionality


I recently asked and had answered this questions here for reference: TKinter ComboBox Variable Issue

I am now adding a button and function to display a choice selected. I believe the issue is something to do with this being a dictionary and not a list. Here is a snipit of my Class I have so far:

                    # ---------------- HP Pool Option --------------#
    hp_pool_options = {"Low" : (

                "Medium" : (

                "High" : (

                "Extreme" : (
    def on_pool_selected(hp_value):
        hp_values = ('Random',)
        if hp_value == 'Random':
            for v in hp_pool_options.values():
                hp_values  = v
            hp_values  = hp_pool_options[hp_value]
    hp_pool_label = customtkinter.CTkLabel(master=self.frame_left, text="HP Option")
    hp_var1 = customtkinter.StringVar()
    hp_pool_combobox = customtkinter.CTkComboBox(master=self.frame_left, 
                                    values=("Random",) tuple(hp_pool_options.keys()), 
    hp_pool_combobox.grid(row=5, column=1)

    hp_var2 = customtkinter.StringVar()
    hp_value_combobox = customtkinter.CTkComboBox(master=self.frame_left, variable=hp_var2)
    hp_value_combobox.grid(row=5, column=2)
    #Add HP Value function
    def add_hp_value():
        hp_value_choice = StringVar()
        hp_value_choice = hp_value_combobox.get()
        random_hp_value = random.choice(hp_values)
        if hp_value_choice == "Random":
            display_hp_value['text'] = random_hp_value
            display_hp_value['text'] = hp_value_choice
    #Display HP Value
    display_hp_value = customtkinter.CTkLabel(master=self.frame_right, text='')
    #Create button to add HP Value
    add_hp_value_btn = customtkinter.CTkButton(master=self.frame_left, text="Add HP Value", command=add_hp_value()) 
    add_hp_value_btn.grid(row=5, column=3)

The issue I am seeing is in the button function. random_hp_value is trying to pull from hp_values but is out of the scope. How can I return those hp_values into a list variable to then put into my button function?

CodePudding user response:

You can use the attribute values of hp_value_combobox to get the values of the combobox. To exclude the Random value, use hp_value_combox.values[1:].

def add_hp_value():
    random_hp_value = random.choice(hp_value_combobox.values[1:])

Also the command=add_hp_value() will execute add_hp_value immediately. Use command=add_hp_value instead.

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