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Pyspark dataframe explode string column


I am looking for an efficient way to explode the rows in the pyspark dataframe df_input into columns. I dont understand that format '@{name...}' and don't know where to start in order to decode it. Thanks for help!

df_input = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
        (1, '@{name= Hans; age= 45}'), 
        (2, '@{name= Jeff; age= 15}'), 
        (3, '@{name= Elona; age= 23}')
    ('id', 'firstCol')

expected result:

 --- ----- --- 
| id| name|age|
 --- ----- --- 
|  1| Hans| 45|
|  2| Jeff| 15|
|  3|Elona| 23|
 --- ----- --- 

CodePudding user response:

from  pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_extract

 df_input.id, #id
 regexp_extract( #use regex
  df_input.firstCol, #on firstCol
  '\s(.*);', #find a space character then capture a (group of text) until you find a ';'
  1 # use capture group 1 as text
  '\s.*\s(.*)}', #find the second space then capture a (group  of text) until you find a '}'
  1 # use capture group 1 as text
 --- ----- --- 
| id| name|age|
 --- ----- --- 
|  1| Hans| 45|
|  2| Jeff| 15|
|  3|Elona| 23|
 --- ----- --- 

CodePudding user response:

Convert the string into map type using str_to_map function, explode it then pivot the keys:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F

df = df_input.selectExpr(
    "explode(str_to_map(regexp_replace(firstCol, '[@{}]', ''), ';', '='))"

# --- ---- ------ 
#|id | age|name  |
# --- ---- ------ 
#|1  | 45 | Hans |
#|2  | 15 | Jeff |
#|3  | 23 | Elona|
# --- ---- ------ 
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