I need help to complete this C# programming.
Here are what I made to prompt user for 3 code of colour and display the names of colour.
(Assume that they are supposed to input only 'A','B', or'C')
This is Class1
using System;
using static System.Console;
class Class1
private char code;
public char Code { get; set; }
public Class1(char aCode)
code = aCode;
This is Class2
class Class2
public static void Main()
int x;
char charCode;
Class1[] valueCodeArray = new Class1[3];
for (x = 0; x < valueCodeArray.Length; x)
WriteLine("Input color code No{0}",x 1);
charCode = Convert.ToChar(ReadLine());
valueCodeArray[x] = new Class1(charCode);
for (x = 0; x <valueCodeArray.Length ; x)
string NameOfCode = changeCodeToName(valueCodeArray[x].Code);
WriteLine("No{0}: color is {1}", x 1, NameOfCode);
public static string changeCodeToName(char charCode)
string NameOfCode = "";
switch (charCode)
case 'A':
NameOfCode = "Red";
return NameOfCode;
case 'B':
NameOfCode = "Blue";
return NameOfCode;
case 'C':
NameOfCode = "Green";
return NameOfCode;
return "";
The output displays... No1: color is Red. No2: color is Blue. No3: color is Green
Then I want to include this array in Class1
readonly string[] nameArray = new string[3] { "Red", "Blue", "Green"};
To use this in Class2, I have to change something in the method.
public static string changeCodeToName(char charCode)
string NameOfCode = "";
switch (charCode)
case 'A':
NameOfCode = //nameArray[0];
return NameOfCode;
case 'B':
NameOfCode = //nameArray[1];
return NameOfCode;
case 'C':
NameOfCode = //nameArray[2];
return NameOfCode;
return "";
I changed "Red" to nameArray[0] but didn't work.
CodePudding user response:
I would encapsulate the name into your Class1
class Class1
private static Dictionary<char, string> __names = new Dictionary<char, string>()
{ 'A', "Red" },
{ 'B', "Blue" },
{ 'C', "Green" },
public char Code { get; private set; }
public string Name => __names.ContainsKey(this.Code) ? __names[this.Code] : "";
public Class1(char code)
this.Code = code;
That's really where it belongs.
Now the rest of your code becomes simple:
for (x = 0; x < valueCodeArray.Length; x)
Console.WriteLine("No{0}: color is {1}", x 1, valueCodeArray[x].Name);
CodePudding user response:
You can use an enum
to store the colours like this.
public enum KnownColours
You can then initialize your class with this array of colours
class Class1
public readonly Array Colours = typeof(KnownColours).GetEnumValues();
Since it's an array of string values, you can access them via their index
var MyClass = new Class1();
MyClass.Colours.GetValue(0); //Red
is a great way of storing read-only constants such as colours in this case. You can read more about it here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/builtin-types/enum
CodePudding user response:
Since you are attempting to store it as string array, you could initialize your class like
class Class1
public readonly string[] Colours = new string[]{ "red", "blue","green"};
You can access them like
var MyColour = new Class1();