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Conditional match on an existence of a field in collection


Please help me. I have a collection as below

      "title":"24 Test 1",
      "title":"24 Test 2",

I want to filter data based on pincode/city/state

if pincode is present match it and ignore city and state elseif city is present match it and ignore state else match on state

CodePudding user response:

You can use an aggregation pipeline with a $filter:

  1. If any of the fields does not exist on the doc, create it with an empty array.
  2. Use $filter to grade the docs, so the grade for matching pincode is 100, for matching city is 10 for matching state is 1. Use $max to keep the best grade only.
  3. Return the doc with highest grade.
  {$set: {
      "filter_conditions.pincode": {$ifNull: ["$filter_conditions.pincode", []]},
      "filter_conditions.city": {$ifNull: ["$filter_conditions.city", []]},
      "filter_conditions.state": {$ifNull: ["$filter_conditions.state", []]}
  {$set: {
      grade: {
        $max: [
          {$multiply: [
              {$size: {
                  $filter: {
                    input: "$filter_conditions.pincode",
                    as: "item",
                    cond: {$eq: ["$$item", "12345"]}
              }, 100]
          {$multiply: [
              {$size: {
                  $filter: {
                    input: "$filter_conditions.city",
                    as: "item",
                    cond: {$eq: ["$$item", "BBB"]}
              }, 10]
          {$multiply: [
              {$size: {
                  $filter: {
                    input: "$filter_conditions.state",
                    as: "item",
                    cond: {$eq: ["$$item", "AL"]}
              }, 1]
  {$sort: {grade: -1}},
  {$limit: 1}

See how it works on the playground example

CodePudding user response:

You can work with nested $cond to perform the filtering.


  1. Check filter_conditions.pincode is existed.

    1.1. If true, check the value is existed in filter_conditions.pincode array.

    1.2. Else, proceed to 2.

  2. Check filter_conditions.city is existed.

    2.1. If true, check the value is existed in filter_conditions.city array.

    2.2. Else, proceed to 3.

  3. Check if value is existed in filter_conditions.state array (default as empty array if the array is not existed).

    $match: {
      $expr: {
        $cond: {
          if: {
            $ne: [
          then: {
            $in: [
              "", // pincode value
          else: {
            $cond: {
              if: {
                $ne: [
              then: {
                $in: [
                  "", // city value
              else: {
                $in: [
                  "", // state value
                    $ifNull: [

Sample Mongo Playground

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