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Mocking web server in Component/Functional testing in Python


I'm trying to write some component/functional test for my application writed in C . The application communicates with several http servers. For test I would like to mock these servers to easy handle bad path e.g timeouts. Could you recommend me some python package to do this?


I have tried to use Flask to mock my Http server. My problem with flask is that I don't know how to run it in backgroun non blocking mode. I have trying: Using thread and lamba

  class MyServerMock:
    def __init__(self, port=5000):
        self.port = port
        self.app = Flask(__name__)
        self.url = "http://localhost:{}".format(self.port)

        self.app.add_url_rule("/path/to/function", view_func=self.function, methods=['POST'])

    def function(body):

    def shutdown_server(self):

    def run(self):
        self.thread = Thread(target=lambda: self.app.run(port=self.port, debug=False, use_reloader=False)).start()

this solution works, but after execution test cases test script is hanging in Flask and I don't know how to proper shutdown Flask.

Thank you from advance for you help.

EDIT 1: How I use this Flask code:

import MyServerMock
import pytest

def test_example():
    mock = MyServerMock(port=6500)
    # testing stuf

    assert 1 == 2

I thinking about doing fixture with this mocking server

CodePudding user response:

For a Unix solution, run your test server(s) in the background using nohup

nohup python server_1.py > server_1.log 2>&1 & 
echo $! > pid_server_1.txt

Run some test modules, for example, with a Makefile

make test

When tests are done, kill the server(s) using the saved pid

kill $(cat pid_server_1.txt)

CodePudding user response:

@OneCricketeer if I don't find a better solution I will have to solve this like you propose but I see lots of disadvantages of this solution.

Ideal solution for me will be something like this:

import Mock
import time

def timeout():

def some_content():
    return "foo bar"

def test_func1():

    server1 = Mock(URL, port)
    server1.set_url_behavior('endpoint1', timeout)

    server2 = Mock(URL, port)
    server2.set_url_behavior('endpoint2', some_content)

    p = subprocess.Popen('./my_application.exe')

    time.sleep(5) # or watch for specific log

    assert 'some message' in server1.endpoint['endpoint1'][0].body


But I cant find library to do this in Python

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