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How to query a reference table for a value between a dates for a specified category in Apps Script?


I have a background in data analytics and have done a similar workflow in SQL but am brand new to Apps Script. I am a bit at a loss on where to even start in Apps Script. Any advice or pointing me in the direction of useful examples would be truly appreciated!

Currently, I have a reference table on one sheet with categories and values and the start and end date that value applies to. Then I have a data table on another sheet where I add an entry date and a category and I would like to have Apps Script write the corresponding value for that category on the date.

Reference table data (a blank end date means that is the current rate):

Category Value Start date End date
A 25 01/01/2022 3/31/2022
B 40 01/01/2022
C 30 01/01/2022
A 15 04/01/2022

The data table where the entry date and the category are added manually over time. I want to use the reference table to write the value for that category for that entry date.

Entry Date Category Value
02/20/2022 B 40
02/27/2022 A 25
03/20/2022 A 25
04/16/2022 C 15
05/12/2022 A 30
06/02/2022 B 40

How do you get the query the reference data for that entry date and category to find the row with the corresponding value?

CodePudding user response:


As I said I'm not good at QUERY but I finally got something to work. I'm sure other can improve on it.

First I created a named range TestQuery for the table of data. I could have just as easily used range "A1:D6"

Next I fill in the End Date with =TODAY() so it has a date value. Then I build my query.

=QUERY(TestQuery,"select B where ( ( A = '"&B11&"' ) and ( date '"&TEXT(A11,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' > C ) and ( date '"&TEXT(A11,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' < D ) )")

enter image description here


CodePudding user response:

Getting data from a table on a sheet

function getData() {
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  const sh = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet0");
  const values = sh.getRange("A2:D"   sh.getLastRow()).getValues();
  Logger.log(JSON.stringify(values));//2d array

A2 is assumed to be the upper left corner of the data

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