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Problem with showing/outputting Nat type in a function that converts integers to Nats


I am currently learning about types in Haskell, and a given example in the book is to define the data of Nat by two constructors, one for zero, and another one for a constructor. As depicted here:

data Nat = Zero| Suc Nat

Also, I want to define a functions that converts a non-negative integer to a Nat and vice versa. I have written the following code:

nat2int:: Nat-> Int
nat2int Zero=0
nat2int (Suc n)= 1  nat2int n

int2nat:: Int-> Nat
int2nat 0=Zero
int2nat n = Suc (int2nat (n-1))

However, whenever I execute the command

 int2nat 0

in the terminal, the following errors appears:

  • No instance for (Show Nat) arising from a use of `print'
  • In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it

What does this error mean? and how to solve it? In general, I notice that whenever I define a new data type, and define functions that output objects of this newly defined data when I execute one of these functions, it gives me the same errors.

CodePudding user response:

“No instance for (Show T)” means “I don't know how values of type T should be converted to string so I can print them”. Often, declaring the type T with ... deriving (Show) is enough to provide a basic conversion. – chi

data Nat = Zero | Suc Nat
 deriving (Show)

In the (seldom) cases where this auto-generated Show instance does not behave like you want, you can always implement it yourself. It can be as simple as

data Nat = Zero | Suc Nat

instance Show Nat where
  show Zero = "Zero"
  show (Suc n) = "(Suc "  show n  ")"

...however this is actually both inefficient (because of Schlemiel string concatenation) and inelegant because we're blindly putting parentheses around the n whether or not it's needed. The preferred way to manually write Show instances is this style:

instance Show Nat where
  showsPrec _ Zero = ("Zero"  )
  showsPrec p (Suc n) = showParen (p>10) $ ("Suc "  ) . showsPrec 11 n

(This is equivalent to the deriving Show version.)

By using showsPrec 11 n for the recursive call, I'm signalling that this show is used in a tighly binding (function application) setting, and therefore must add parentheses unless it is the already atomic Zero case. It won't, however, add outer parentheses if it is only shown in a context like (Suc Zero, Suc (Suc Zero)), because there's no need here.

You can also make Show instance a bit smarter, for instance it could make sense to avoid nesting of parentheses entirely and instead showing the version with composition operators, like


which is more readable IMO. However, there is a near-mandatory convention that whatever you show must be valid Haskell code and should evaluate to the same value you originally used, so don't be tempted to make it super-succinct but non-Haskell syntax.

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