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Apply function to dataframe column based on combinations of values from other columns


I have a dataframe that looks like this:

Region Country Product Year Price
Africa South Africa ABC 2016 500
Africa South Africa ABC 2017 400
Africa South Africa ABC 2018 15
Africa South Africa ABC 2019 450
Africa Uganda ABC 2016 750
Africa Uganda ABC 2017 670
Africa Uganda ABC 2018 1300
Africa Uganda ABC 2019 890
Asia Japan DEF 2016 500
Asia Japan DEF 2017 420
Asia Japan DEF 2018 415
Asia Japan DEF 2019 0
data = {'Region': ['Africa','Africa','Africa','Africa','Africa','Africa','Africa','Africa','Asia','Asia','Asia','Asia'],
         'Country': ['South Africa','South Africa','South Africa','South Africa','Uganda','Uganda','Uganda','Uganda','Japan','Japan','Japan','Japan'],
         'Product': ['ABC','ABC','ABC','ABC','XYZ','XYZ','XYZ','XYZ','DEF','DEF','DEF','DEF'],
         'Year': [2016, 2017, 2018, 2019,2016, 2017, 2018, 2019,2016, 2017, 2018, 2019],
         'Price': [500, 400, 15,450,750,670,1300,890,500,420,415,0]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

I want to calculate the Interquartile Range to identify outliers and extract the index positions of potential outliers.

I created a function however, I am having trouble applying the function to the Price column based on combinations of the Region and Product columns.

My function is below:

def tukeys_method(df, variable, iterable1, iterable2):
    itr1 = df[iterable1].unique() #create list of unique values for iterable 1
    itr2 = df[iterable2].unique() #create list of unique values for iterable 2
    for (i,j) in zip(itr1, itr2):
        #Takes two parameters: dataframe & variable of interest as string
        q1 = df.groupby([iterable1,iterable2])[variable].quantile(0.25) #calculate quantiles
        q3 = df.groupby([iterable1,iterable2])[variable].quantile(0.75) #calculate quantiles
        iqr = q3-q1
        inner_fence = 1.5*iqr
        outer_fence = 3*iqr
        #inner fence lower and upper end
        inner_fence_le = q1-inner_fence
        inner_fence_ue = q3 inner_fence
        #outer fence lower and upper end
        outer_fence_le = q1-outer_fence
        outer_fence_ue = q3 outer_fence
        outliers_prob = []
        outliers_poss = []
        for index, x in enumerate(df.groupby([iterable1,iterable2])[variable]):
            if x <= outer_fence_le or x >= outer_fence_ue:
        for index, x in enumerate(df.groupby([iterable1,iterable2])[variable]):
            if x <= inner_fence_le or x >= inner_fence_ue:
        return outliers_prob, outliers_poss

probable_outliers_tm, possible_outliers_tm = tukeys_method(df, "Price",'Region','Product')

I get the following error when I run the function:

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (570,) (2,) 

Does anyone know what I need to do to fix this?

CodePudding user response:

I managed to figure it out, if anyone is interested, the solution is below:

# Identify outliers using Tukey's method.
def outliers_tukey(df, variable, iterable1, iterable2):
    outliers_prob = []
    outliers_poss = []
    for (i,j) in itertools.product(df[iterable1].unique(), df[iterable2].unique()):
        #Takes two parameters: dataframe & variable of interest as string
        q1 = df.loc[(df[iterable1]==i) & (df[iterable2]==j)][variable].quantile(0.25)
        q3 = df.loc[(df[iterable1]==i) & (df[iterable2]==j)][variable].quantile(0.75)
        iqr = q3-q1
        inner_fence = 1.5*iqr
        outer_fence = 3*iqr
        #inner fence lower and upper end
        inner_fence_le = q1-inner_fence
        inner_fence_ue = q3 inner_fence
        #outer fence lower and upper end
        outer_fence_le = q1-outer_fence
        outer_fence_ue = q3 outer_fence

        for index, x in enumerate(df[variable]):
            if x <= outer_fence_le or x >= outer_fence_ue:
        for index, x in enumerate(df[variable]):
            if x <= inner_fence_le or x >= inner_fence_ue:
        return outliers_prob, outliers_poss

probable_outliers_tm, possible_outliers_tm = outliers_tukey(df, "Price",'Region','Product')
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