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Why can't I find a table in a database?


USE mydb;

  create table #payments 
  (   id int,    contract_ID varchar(20),    payment_number int,    payment_status varchar(20));

  insert   #payments (id, contract_id, payment_number, payment_status)
  (1, 'contract1', 1, 'Processed'),
  (2, 'contract1', 2, 'Received'),
  (3, 'contract2', 1, 'Processed'),
  (4, 'contract2', 2, 'Approved'),
  (5, 'contract1', 3, 'Approved'),
  (6, 'contract2', 3, 'Processed');

Is it correct that the above SQL script creates a table named #payments in the database 'mydb'?

When I run the above for the second time, SSMS says

There is already an object named '#payments' in the database.

But why can't I find the table in the output of

USE mydb;




CodePudding user response:

Is it correct that the above SQL script creates a table named #payments in the database 'mydb'?

No, that's not correct.

# indicates a temporary table, it's created in tempdb

select Object_Id('tempdb.dbo.#payments');

select *
from tempdb.sys.tables
where name like '#payments%';

You'll see it exists with a negative object ID and name appended with a long "uniquifier".

Likewise prefixing any object name with # indicates it is a temporary object and will be managed for you in tempdb. Objects created with a single hash prefix are scoped to your own session, a double hash indicates they are global and visible to all sessions. Temporary objects are automatically dropped when they go out of scope, ie, are no longer referenced.

CodePudding user response:

Don't give hashtag (#) while writing table name.

Try below query it will create table and insert data.

USE mydb;

  create table payments (   id int,    contract_ID varchar(20),    payment_number int,    payment_status varchar(20));

  insert payments (id, contract_id, payment_number, payment_status) values (1, 'contract1', 1, 'Processed'),
  (2, 'contract1', 2, 'Received'),
  (3, 'contract2', 1, 'Processed'),
  (4, 'contract2', 2, 'Approved'),
  (5, 'contract1', 3, 'Approved'),
  (6, 'contract2', 3, 'Processed');

To find the table in the output

USE mydb;

SELECT * FROM mydb.payments;
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