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Split a list of elements into multiple columns with Key - Value


Working with large dataframe with a string that is a list of elements (as chr). I want to separate the string so that each element has its own column with key - value. I tried 'tidyr::seperate' and 'tidyverse::unnest_wider()' but none of them returned my desired output.

Here is a dummy data :

  df1 <- tibble(
    id = c('000914', '000916'),
    code = c('NN', 'SS'),
    values2 = c("{DS=15}{FPLUC=0}{N=CELL}{R=NINT1}{S=true}{SPLUC=1}" , "{DS=0}{FPLUC=0}{N=CELL}{R=NINT1}{S=true}{SPLUC=1}"         
  ) )

# A tibble: 2 x 3
  id     code  values2                                           
  <chr>  <chr> <chr>                                             
1 000914 NN    {DS=15}{FPLUC=0}{N=CELL}{R=NINT1}{S=true}{SPLUC=1}
2 000916 SS    {DS=0}{FPLUC=0}{N=CELL}{R=NINT1}{S=true}{SPLUC=1} 

I tried with separate, this is not wrong but it is not exactly what I am looking for and it needs several pivot_longer and pivot_wider for reshaping. Is there any better and faster alternative?

  df1 %>% 
    separate(values2, into = paste("Col", 1:14)) 

# A tibble: 2 x 16
  id     code  `Col 1` `Col 2` `Col 3` `Col 4` `Col 5` `Col 6` `Col 7` `Col 8` `Col 9`
  <chr>  <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
1 000914 NN    ""      DS      15      FPLUC   0       N       CELL    R       NINT1  
2 000916 SS    ""      DS      0       FPLUC   0       N       CELL    R       NINT1  
# ... with 5 more variables: Col 10 <chr>, Col 11 <chr>, Col 12 <chr>, Col 13 <chr>,
#   Col 14 <chr>

Here is my desired output:

  id     code   DS    FPLUC   N          R      S     SPLUC 

1 000914 NN    15     0      CELL       NINT1   true       1         
2 000916 SS    0      0      CELL       NINT1   true       1       

CodePudding user response:

A pure tidyr solution:


df1 %>%
  separate_rows(values2, sep = '(?<=\\})(?=\\{)') %>%
  extract(values2, c('name', 'value'), '\\{(. ?)=(. ?)\\}') %>%

# # A tibble: 2 × 8
#   id     code  DS    FPLUC N     R     S     SPLUC
#   <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 000914 NN    15    0     CELL  NINT1 true  1
# 2 000916 SS    0     0     CELL  NINT1 true  1
  • separate_rows() separates a collapsed column (values2) into multiple rows. The separator (?<=\\})(?=\\{) locates the position between } and {.
  • extract() separates a character column into multiple columns using regular expression groups. The regex \\{(. ?)=(. ?)\\} searches the pattern {Col=Value} and extracts Col and Value repectivly as new columns.

CodePudding user response:

It's messy but you may try


nms <- str_extract_all(df1$values2[1], "(?<=\\{). ?(?=\\=)", simplify = T)
nms <- c(names(df1)[-3],nms)
df1 %>%
  mutate(values2 = str_extract_all(values2, "(?<=\\=). ?(?=\\})")) %>%
  unnest_wider(values2, names_repair = ~nms) 

  id     code  DS    FPLUC N     R     S     SPLUC
  <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 000914 NN    15    0     CELL  NINT1 true  1    
2 000916 SS    0     0     CELL  NINT1 true  1    

CodePudding user response:

If you are not so keen on the REGEX, try the following

library(dplyr, quietly=TRUE, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
#> Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 4.1.3

df1 <- tibble(
  id = c('000914', '000916'),
  code = c('NN', 'SS'),
  values2 = c("{DS=15}{FPLUC=0}{N=CELL}{R=NINT1}{S=true}{SPLUC=1}" , "{DS=0}{FPLUC=0}{N=CELL}{R=NINT1}{S=true}{SPLUC=1}"         
  ) )

#> # A tibble: 2 x 3
#>   id     code  values2                                           
#>   <chr>  <chr> <chr>                                             
#> 1 000914 NN    {DS=15}{FPLUC=0}{N=CELL}{R=NINT1}{S=true}{SPLUC=1}
#> 2 000916 SS    {DS=0}{FPLUC=0}{N=CELL}{R=NINT1}{S=true}{SPLUC=1}

df1 %>% 
  mutate(values2 = stringr::str_remove_all(values2, "\\}")) %>% # remove the } from values 2
  separate(values2, into = c("X","DS","FPLUC","N","R","S","SPLUC"), sep = "{") %>% # split values 2 into required columns
  mutate(across(.cols = c(DS, FPLUC, N, R, S, SPLUC), 
                .fns = ~stringr::str_remove(.x, "^. ="))) %>% #remove "xxx=" from each of the columns
  select(!X) # keep all columns except X as it is empty
#> # A tibble: 2 x 8
#>   id     code  DS    FPLUC N     R     S     SPLUC
#>   <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 000914 NN    15    0     CELL  NINT1 true  1    
#> 2 000916 SS    0     0     CELL  NINT1 true  1
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