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How to perform join with where clause on previously filtered single record integer value in Scala Sp


I would like to filter a Spark Dataframe based on a previously filtered out single record. The data looks as follows:

val columns = Seq("language", "users_count", "time_window")
val data = Seq(("Java", "20000", "2021-04-05"),("Java", "20000", "2021-08-05"), ("Python", "100000", "2021-05-05"), ("Scala", "3000", "2021-07-05"), ("Python", "3000", "2021-03-05"))

val rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data)
val dfFromRDD1 = rdd.toDF(columns: _*)

val dfFromRDD2 = dfFromRDD1.withColumn("time_window", date_format(col("time_window"), "yyyy-MM-dd"))
                           .orderBy(desc("time_window")) // Note that I sorted the data based on time

Filter record:

val filterRow =
  dfFromRDD3.filter(dfFromRDD3("language") === "Python").limit(1)

The expected result should be as in the red box in below picture. Put in words, I would like to only keep those records which came after the most recent Python entry (plus entry containing python).

enter image description here

What I tried:

val dfFromRDD3 = dfFromRDD2.withColumn("idx", monotonically_increasing_id())

val result = dfFromRDD3.as("df").join(
).where($"df.idx" <= filterRow("idx").as[Integer])

Explanation: My idea was to create an index column, which can then be used to keep only the desired records.


  • This could probably be done without idx column, but it is nice when joining since no joins on Strings or multiple key columns are needed
  • In know filter and where are alias of each other. It just helped to explain the question to distinguish between them.
  • Probably I am using the wrong join or something is messed up witht the datatypes?

CodePudding user response:

Suppose we have this table called ds1:

 -------- ---------- ----------- 
 -------- ---------- ----------- 
|    Java|     20000| 2021-04-05|
|   Scala|      3000| 2021-07-05|
|    Java|     20000| 2021-08-05|
|  Python|    100000| 2021-05-05|
|  Python|     15000| 2021-03-03|
 -------- ---------- ----------- 

Before we move on, we create an id and sort on time_window desc:

ds1 = ds1.withColumn("id", expr("row_number() over (order by time_window desc)"))

Then, we filter the language, we group by id and find the maximum time_window (we group by just to have the value in our table), and we get the id value of the first row (which is the maximum date):

val minId = ds1
  .filter(col("language") === "Python")

Finally, we filter ids lower than our found id:

ds1 = ds1.filter(col("id").leq(minId))

Final output:

 -------- ---------- ----------- --- 
|language|user_count|time_window| id|
 -------- ---------- ----------- --- 
|    Java|     20000| 2021-08-05|  1|
|   Scala|      3000| 2021-07-05|  2|
|  Python|    100000| 2021-05-05|  3|
 -------- ---------- ----------- --- 

Hope this helps, good luck!

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