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How to repeatedly call methods in initState without reloading the page?


I have a page with initState method. When I open the page, I run requests in the initState method. In requests, I use the CodeEmailVerif.code global variable. Tell me, if I change the value of a variable, how can I tell it and call methods in initState again without reloading the page?


  void initState() {
    final appState = Provider.of<AppState>(context, listen: false);
    final ProfileCubit cubit = BlocProvider.of<ProfileCubit>(context);
    final CurrentEmailCubit currentEmailCubit =

      if (CodeEmailVerif.code != null) {
        SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) async {
          final CurrentEmailCubit currentEmailCubit =
          await currentEmailCubit.getCurrentEmail();
                  code: widget.code ?? '',
                  email: currentEmailCubit.currentEmail)
              .then((value) {
            if (value) {
              cubit.fetchProfile(context).then((value) {
                final profileState = cubit.state;
                if (profileState is ProfileLoaded) {
                  appState.isEmailVerif = profileState.user!.isEmailConfirmed;
                  if (appState.isEmailVerif) {
      } else {
        SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) async {
          await currentEmailCubit.getCurrentEmail();
          await cubit.fetchProfile(context).then((value) {
            final profileState = cubit.state;
            if (profileState is ProfileLoaded) {
              appState.isEmailVerif = profileState.user!.isEmailConfirmed;
              if (!appState.isEmailVerif) {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {


class CodeEmailVerif {
  static String? code;

CodePudding user response:

Just put the code that is in initState in a method you create, call this method from initState and from anywhere else you need.

CodePudding user response:

I think skip 1st three line, but if you need, you can wrap everything inside listener, I am going to use ValueNotifier with modifying the class. Also, I don't think you can skip using static variable for this case.

class CodeEmailVerif {
  String? _code;
  String? get code => _code;

  CodeEmailVerif({String? value}) {
    _code = value;

final ValueNotifier<CodeEmailVerif?> myNotifier = ValueNotifier(

To update value use

 myNotifier.value = CodeEmailVerif(value: count.toString());
  void initState() {
    myNotifier.addListener(() {
      final appState = Provider.of<AppState>(context, listen: false);
      final ProfileCubit cubit = BlocProvider.of<ProfileCubit>(context);
      final CurrentEmailCubit currentEmailCubit =
      //* you can put theses above listner
      if (myNotifier.value?.code != null) {
        SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) async {
          final CurrentEmailCubit currentEmailCubit =
          await currentEmailCubit.getCurrentEmail();
                  code: widget.code ?? '',
                  email: currentEmailCubit.currentEmail)
              .then((value) {
            if (value) {
              cubit.fetchProfile(context).then((value) {
                final profileState = cubit.state;
                if (profileState is ProfileLoaded) {
                  appState.isEmailVerif = profileState.user!.isEmailConfirmed;
                  if (appState.isEmailVerif) {
      } else {
        SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) async {
          await currentEmailCubit.getCurrentEmail();
          await cubit.fetchProfile(context).then((value) {
            final profileState = cubit.state;
            if (profileState is ProfileLoaded) {
              appState.isEmailVerif = profileState.user!.isEmailConfirmed;
              if (!appState.isEmailVerif) {
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