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GenesisH0 blocks needed to create a unique creation parameters of python scripts P sources of value


Such as when creating the Dash block creation, there will be the command to generate the hash value: it
Python genesis. Py - a X11 - z "Wired 09/Jan, 2014, The Grand Experiment Goes Live: Overstock.com Is Now has Bitcoins" 1317972665 - p - t "040184710 fa689ad5023690c80f3a49c8f13f8d45b8c857fbcbc8bc4a8e4d3eb4b10f4d4604fa08dce601aaf0f470216fe1b51850b4acf21b179c45070ac7b03a9" - n t 1390095618-28917698 - v 5000000000

But I want to ask how is this order parameter P in the assignment? Check behind baidu guess this value is generated by the Openssl:
Openssl ecparam - genkey -name secp256k1 - out alertkey. Pem
Openssl ec - in alertkey. Pem - text & gt; Alertkey. Hex
Openssl ecparam - genkey -name secp256k1 - out testnetalert. Pem
Openssl ec - in testnetalert. Pem - text & gt; Testnetalert. Hex
Openssl ecparam - genkey -name secp256k1 - out genesiscoinbase. Pem
Openssl ec - in genesiscoinbase. Pem - text & gt; Genesiscoinbase. Hex

But now I'm not sure if the above command parameter P in the assignment is to use the three file alertkey. Hex testnetalert. Hex genesiscoinbase. Hex pubkey in which files? Daniel, please help to give directions, thank you
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