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Exclusive!!! Zhu pan run new inversion of plot, from the innocence or hammer to hammer?


This summer, depressing, restlessness, momentous upheaval, as the currency circle, August 6th ZJLT finally drop one, on the midsummer first bite melon, xue barbarian protege Beecool zhu pan, with a wife finish mow ZJLT run,

As the event on, zhu pan is in the evening of August 8, has made the new response,

If before the media exposure of the "zhu pan big liar" banner, activist group chat screenshot evidence, let this melon with sweet mouth thirst, then we will release the exclusive real hammer, from large data block chain, cooked fidelity,
Through a investment institutions, we have made the etheric fang zhu pan wallet address, and cane to eat melon, obtained the event each link real hammer,
Cash to run also mouth shut, and hammer hammer,

First of all thanks to a investment institutions provided by zhu pan address, and confirmed by many is my address is correct,
From ZJLT token to open it and the image below clearly revealed ZJLT token flows (red arrows indicate ZJLT flow) :
First, by zhu pan to each big, sold ZJLT;
Second, the line via transfer accounts into the exchange;
The last article, through the transfer account into the tens of thousands of wash currency account;

APP (pictured in a wallet circle of ZJLT token and raise the eth flow diagram)

At the same time, we can break down the project operation in the flow of the ETH (yellow arrow for ETH), there are several points worthy of attention: a large number of ETH from zhu pan account by transfer account, enter the Bitfinex exchange, such as suspected for a large number of cash; At the same time, another group of large ETH via transfer accounts from zhu pan account, into the multiple currency account,

Review zhu pan ZJLT fraud run beginning and end of the road, there are three suspects:
1. Zhu pan whether ZJLT project party itself?
2. Pan said zhu ZJLT circulation of only 700 million, is that true?
3. ZJLT private about 25000 ETH, one of the missing 10000 where did what go?

Compaction hammer one: zhu pan whether ZJLT project itself, homing from smashing plates cut chives drama?
Fire currency Hadax unlock HT transfer record by the month to do real identity "dog" zhuang

Activist group of users angry also is very important, zhu pan itself is ZJLT project, but also a responsibility not to admit that, a lot of shipment, bitter pit investment users,
So zhu pan ZJLT pit dad project party is? Chain data on real hammer already tell,
ZJLT in the media before the report points out, live fire currency hadax need project party pay 500000 HT deposit, monthly return project, unlock the fact rights within the group of users, "zhu pan personal wallet address can receive a month 20000 HT", recorded in the chain, we did find this real hammer,

APP (pictured in a wallet circle trading records of zhu pan purse tracking)
Can be seen from the history, zhu pan's wallet on June 17, to increase the 2 w HT, and in a month later, on July 15, to increase again for 19999 (nearly 2 w) HT,

Circle (pictured in a wallet APP zhu pan purse, to increase again after 1 month nearly 2 WHT)
Records conform to the human rights group of data source, confirms zhu pan every month can get fire currency Hadax monthly unlock HT margin, has great credibility is ZJLT project members of the party,

The speed of light, make face!!!!!!!

Compaction hammer 2:1 freefloat fraud
Zhu pan said only 700 million ZJLT in circulation, he will hold 1.9 billion? The speed of light face,

Investment in the circulation of the users are very concerned about tokens, because circulation is small, easy to pull plate, plate at low risk of anaemia, win big, and large circulation, hit a plate of the bottomless pit of risks, prices rose hopeless, is equivalent to the government printing more money, inflation,
According to ZJLT activist group of chat screen broke, zhu pan when to shout a single claim ZJLT circulation only 700 million (2.5 billion) total circulation, such as small market website also showed ZJLT circulation accounts for 28% of overall, but the rights group of users has been severely cut another wave after gradually found that circulation, in fact, more than 2.1 billion ZJLT,

Pan I strongly deny this, zhu said their hands more than 1.9 billion chip is controlled to lock up, but face the question of rights group, he is not always open you hold large ZJLT account state, but the facts have been recorded on the chain, through the search engine block chain details view ZJLT tokens, can find the TOP 10 of the TOP ten dasso already more than the amount of 700 million (28%), and can be found that there are eight in the TOP ten address are exchange address:

(pictured in a query to ZJLT holds a TOP 10 ranking, including exchange address labels for after data clustering analysis identified exchange heat cold wallet/purse)

What is more surprising, the holdings of the eight most exchange, in circulation ZJLT is up to 53.66% of the total, 1.35 billion contract, the speed of light, dozen face zhu pan 1.9 billion comments of their own hands,
Other media reported ZJLT before 800 million in the hands of users, plus we traced back to 1.35 billion, in exchange with the user mentioned in the screenshot activist group total circulation of 2.1 billion pieces of basic, another real hammer a long fall to the ground,

Compaction hammer three: private equity to 10000 eth exactly gone?

Before the news broke, zhu pan after joining ZJLT project private equity to raise the total 25000 ETH, of which 10000-15000 the ETH whereabouts unknown, but by zhu pan address transaction records we can query to, on June 14, the address of the account transfer out of the 10000 pan zhu ETH to a 0 x3d account:

(the graph is zhu pan wallet turns out 10000 records of the eth)
Soon then, 0 x3d account for further transfer: xc3 to 0 and 0 respectively x3b turned two accounts to 5000 eth, and then further transferred to the accounts, which also means the project will turn ZJLT fire currency exchange transfer account,

(the graph is zhu pan wallet turns out 10000 eth via 0 x3d, xc3 and 0 to 0 x3b two accounts)
At this point, the 10000 ETH to also has been completely clear, as for zhu pan exactly what to do with this 10000 ETH, which is another story,

The end of the article to send a gossip small hammer hammer:
Zhu pan had valentine's day in 214 to 5200 eth wife account transfer, and the caption "the wife I love you" 传为美谈,

And continue down, zhu pan's address again in this year of 520 to one address 0 x3e transfer 1314.520 ETH, 5200 and 214 valentine's day before transfer the ETH his wife address does not match, so this is a clear love means address exactly is who?
Considering the Mrs Zhu pan high-profile show conjugal love, should be highly suspected discovered his wife's another address, but it is interesting to note that only one day apart, when 521 suspected zhu pan wife second address and intact 1314.52 ETH will return to the pan, zhu

(the graph is Mrs Etherscan 520 with suspected pan pan zhu zhu transfer screenshots)
Back to the pan zhu???
Dates back to the 214 valentine's day trading records again, the same routine, Mrs Zhu pan address soon intact gave 5200 eth and back to zhu pan,

(the graph is Mrs Etherscan 214 with suspected pan pan zhu zhu transfer screenshots)
After careful analysis of the small make up, zhu pan and his wife this operation, the profound meaning, may be for the benefit of the etheric fang miners, and prove that love is mutual,
So we tracked, further suspected Mrs Zhu pan address on June 14, 23, a total of increase 300 million ZJLT, also with media reported before, had "call zhu pan wife 300 million ZLJT",

(pictured in a suspected pan wife zhu address to increase 300 million ZJLT trading records)

Otherwise a small melon:
Annual lunar calendar (February 17), we traced back to smile to the teacher 0 x28 wallet address to zhu pan wallet turned 188 ETH,

(pictured in a smile to the teacher 0 x28 purse to zhu pan wallet transfer record 188 ETH in wallet)
The deal also can check the detailed record on etherscan:

(pictured in a smile to the teacher 0 x28 purse to zhu pan wallet transfer 188 ETH in Etherscan records)
Not only caused endless curiosity, we smile to the teacher and zhu pan plot together again? Of course it is possible that send a smile to teacher New Year red envelopes? 188 the ETH is also generous,

But currency circle, constantly breakthroughs in our imagination,
Just hope "direction" breakthrough,
A little more, a little more,

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