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Scrapping the Business name using Web class="search-item-header"


I have bee trying to extract the Business Name from the Website and i am receiving an error that is

enter image description here

and this line causing an error For iCnt = 0 To .getElementsByTagName("h2").Length - 1

I am new and learning all this stuff. I need to extract all the details available in the Website like"

Business Name

in a sequence so all the details can be pasted into Excel file. I would appreciate your help thanks.

Option Explicit

Const sSiteName = "https://www.thoroughexamination.org/postcode-search/nationwide?page=1"

Private Sub getHTMLContents()
    ' Create Internet Explorer object.
    Dim IE As Object
    Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    IE.Visible = False          ' Keep this hidden.
    IE.Navigate sSiteName
    ' Wait till IE is fully loaded.
    While IE.ReadyState <> 4
    Dim oHDoc As HTMLDocument     ' Create document object.
    Set oHDoc = IE.Document
    Dim oHEle As HTMLUListElement     ' Create HTML element (<ul>) object.
    Set oHEle = oHDoc.getElementById("search-item-header")   ' Get the element reference using its ID.
    Dim iCnt As Integer
    ' Loop through elements inside the <ul> element and find <h1>, which has the texts we want.
    With oHEle
        For iCnt = 0 To .getElementsByTagName("h2").Length - 1
            Debug.Print .getElementsByTagName("h2").Item(iCnt).getElementsByTagName("a").Item(0).innerHTML
        Next iCnt
    End With
    ' Clean up.
    Set IE = Nothing
    Set oHEle = Nothing
    Set oHDoc = Nothing
End Sub

No Response from 2nd Code:

Sub TutorailsPoint()
Const URL = "https://www.thoroughexamination.org/postcode-search/nationwide?page=1"
Dim http As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60, html As New HTMLDocument
Dim topics As Object, posts As Object, topic As Object
Dim x As Long

x = 1

http.Open "GET", URL, False
html.body.innerHTML = http.responseText

Set topics = html.getElementsByClassName("search-item-header")
For Each posts In topics
    For Each topic In posts.getElementsByTagName("h2")
        Cells(x, 1) = topic.innerText
        x = x   1
    Next topic
Next posts
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

You can do what you want with xhr if you use an UserAgent. Here is a code for all pages and all datasets per row with the present fields for all pages of your posted url.

Sub TutorailsPoint()
  Dim doc As Object
  Dim url As String
  Dim page As Long
  Dim hits As Long
  Dim maxPage As Long
  Dim maxPageKnown As Boolean
  Dim currRow As Long
  Dim nodeAllGroups As Object
  Dim nodeOneGroup As Object
  Dim nodeContactData As Object
  Dim nodeWebSite As Object
  Dim telephone As Boolean
  page = 1
  maxPage = 1
  currRow = 2
  Set doc = CreateObject("htmlFile")
  With CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
    'Call all pages
      url = "https://www.thoroughexamination.org/postcode-search/nationwide?page=" & page
      .Open "GET", url, False
      .setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0"
      If .Status = 200 Then
        doc.body.innerHTML = .responseText
        'How many pages to call
        If Not maxPageKnown Then
          hits = CLng(doc.getElementsByClassName("summary")(0).getElementsByTagName("b")(1).innertext)
          maxPage = hits / 20
          If hits Mod 20 <> 0 Then
            maxPage = maxPage   1
          End If
          maxPageKnown = True
          'Debug.Print maxPage
        End If
        Set nodeAllGroups = doc.getElementsByClassName("group")
        For Each nodeOneGroup In nodeAllGroups
          'Business name
          Cells(currRow, 1) = nodeOneGroup.getElementsByTagName("h2")(0).innertext
          Cells(currRow, 2) = nodeOneGroup.getElementsByTagName("p")(0).innertext
          'Contact block
          Set nodeContactData = nodeOneGroup.getElementsByClassName("depot")
          If nodeContactData.Length <> 0 Then
            If InStr(1, nodeContactData(0).innertext, "tel:") > 0 Then
              Cells(currRow, 3).NumberFormat = "@"
              Cells(currRow, 3) = Trim(nodeContactData(0).getElementsByTagName("strong")(0).innertext)
              telephone = True
            End If
            If InStr(1, nodeContactData(0).innertext, "fax:") > 0 Then
              Cells(currRow, 4).NumberFormat = "@"
              If telephone Then
                Cells(currRow, 4) = Trim(Replace(nodeContactData(0).getElementsByTagName("p")(0).FirstChild.NextSibling.NextSibling.NextSibling.NodeValue, "fax:", ""))
                Cells(currRow, 4) = Trim(Replace(nodeContactData(0).getElementsByTagName("p")(0).FirstChild.NodeValue, "fax:", "")) 'not sure, not seen no telephone
              End If
            End If
            If InStr(1, nodeContactData(0).innertext, "email:") > 0 Then
              Cells(currRow, 5) = Trim(nodeContactData(0).getElementsByTagName("a")(0).innertext)
            End If
            Set nodeWebSite = nodeContactData(0).getElementsByClassName("website")
            If nodeWebSite.Length > 0 Then
              Cells(currRow, 6) = Trim(nodeWebSite(0).innertext)
            End If
          End If
          telephone = False
          currRow = currRow   1
        Next nodeOneGroup
        page = page   1
        Cells(currRow, 1) = "Page not loaded. HTTP status " & .Status
        Cells(currRow, 2) = url
        currRow = currRow   1
      End If
    Loop While page <= maxPage
  End With
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

Internet Explorer was dropped by MS so it's not a good idea to use it. From now on, in VBA, my best option is to use Selenium (Selenium Type Library) to scrape the WWW. To get started with Selenium the right way you have to take care of the following:

  1. Update the related .Net Framework

  2. Install Selenium Basic app

  3. Download and install the version of Chromedriver.exe (see the latest version here) exactly compatible with the version of Google Chrome (which must be installed on the machine). Extract 'Chromedriver.exe' and put it at the same folder where Selenium Basic was installed (I've installed Selenium Basic here: 'C:\Program Files\SeleniumBasic')

  4. Add the reference in the VBE to the ActiveX library: 'Selenium Type Library'

Put the code in a standard module on the VBE:

Sub fnGetDataFromWWW()
    Dim oWD As WebDriver
    Dim post As Selenium.WebElement
    Dim groups As Selenium.WebElements
    Dim strText As String
    Dim intItem As Integer

    Set oWD = New Selenium.WebDriver
    oWD.Start "chrome"
    oWD.Get "https://www.thoroughexamination.org/postcode-search/nationwide?page=1"

    Set groups = oWD.FindElementsByClass("group")
    For Each post In groups
        strText = post.Attribute("outerText")
        For intItem = 0 To UBound(Split(strText, Chr(10)))
            If Trim(Split(strText, Chr(10))(intItem)) <> "" Then
                Debug.Print Split(strText, Chr(10))(intItem)
            End If
    Next post

End Sub
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