I am testing new functionality for a project im on and I can't get the test to run with the new functionality. The code is functioning as intended and the outputs have identical values and dtypes as far as I can tell. What is going on here?
Sorry for a lot of code here, but this is as minimal as I think I can make it. It should run just fine in a jupyter notebook cell or .py file.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import date as dtm_date
def days_since_dec_30_1899(input_date:pd._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp) -> str:
date_list = [int(i) for i in str(input_date).split(' ')[0].split('-')]
return str((dtm_date(date_list[0], date_list[1], date_list[2]) -
dtm_date(1899, 12, 30)).days)
def create_combo_npi_and_date_col(data:pd.core.frame.DataFrame,
date_name:str = 'Date'
) -> pd.core.frame.DataFrame:
temp = data.copy()
days_since_1899 = temp[date_name].apply(lambda date: str(days_since_dec_30_1899(date)))
# deals with float->str issue of having .0 at the end
if str(temp['NPI'].dtype) == 'float64':
temp['NPI'] = temp['NPI'].astype('Int64')
temp['Combo (NPI & Date)'] = temp['NPI'].astype('str') days_since_1899
temp['Combo (NPI & Date)'] = temp['Combo (NPI & Date)']\
.apply(lambda x : x if '<NA>' not in x else np.nan)
temp['NPI'] = temp['NPI'].astype('str')
return temp
import unittest
from datetime import date
class Test_Methods(unittest.TestCase):
'''A test class for the methods in Main.py'''
def test_create_combo_npi_and_date_col(self):
'''Tests the create_combo_npi_and_date_col method.'''
# Test input.
input = pd.DataFrame([[pd._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp('2022-08-11 00:00:00'), '1234567890'],
[pd._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp('2022-07-14 00:00:00'), '0987654321']],
columns=['Date', 'NPI'])
# Test ground truth output.
output = \
pd.DataFrame([[pd._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp('2022-08-11 00:00:00'), '1234567890', '123456789044784'],
[pd._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp('2022-07-14 00:00:00'), '0987654321', '098765432144756']],
columns=['Date', 'NPI', 'Combo (NPI & Date)'])
self.assertTrue(output.equals(create_combo_npi_and_date_col(input)), 'test 1 has failed') # test 1
# tests if floats act properly
input['NPI'] = input['NPI'].astype('float64')
self.assertTrue(output.equals(create_combo_npi_and_date_col(input)), 'test 2 has failed') # test 2
unittest.main(argv=[''], verbosity=2, exit=False)
Some of the docstring stuff is private, so I am sorry there are no docs. Can someone tell my why my tests fail?
Edit: import statements.
CodePudding user response:
use the assert_frame_equal
function from pandas.testing
will give you feedback on what exactly is different. Sometimes it has to do with attributes that aren't obvious.
from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal
# ... all of your other code before the assert ... #