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Assign new value to a cell in pandas DataFrame which is a pandas.core.series.Series


I have a pd.DataFrame (called O) of 1402 rows × 1402 columns with columns and index both as ['XXX-icsd', 'YYY-icsd', ...] and cell values as some np.float64, some np.nan and problematically, some as pandas.core.series.Series.

202324-icsd 644068-icsd 27121-icsd 93847-icsd 154319-icsd
202324-icsd 0.000000 0.029729 NaN 0.098480 0.097867
644068-icsd NaN 0.000000 NaN 0.091311 0.091049
27121-icsd 0.144897 0.137473 0.0 0.081610 0.080442
93847-icsd NaN NaN NaN 0.000000 0.005083
154319-icsd NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.000000

The problem is that some cells (e.g. O.loc["192693-icsd", "192401-icsd"]) contain a pandas.core.series.Series of form:

192693-icsd    0.129562
192693-icsd    0.129562
Name: 192401-icsd, dtype: float64

I'm struggling to make this cell contain only a np.float64. I tried:

O.loc["192693-icsd", "192401-icsd"] = O.loc["192693-icsd", "192401-icsd"][0]

and other various known forms of assignnign a new value to a cell in pd.DataFrame, but they only assign a new element to the same series in this cell, e.g. if I do

O.loc["192693-icsd", "192401-icsd"] = 5

then when calling O.loc["192693-icsd", "192401-icsd"] I get:

192693-icsd    5.0
192693-icsd    5.0
Name: 192401-icsd, dtype: float64

How to modify O.loc["192693-icsd", "192401-icsd"] so that it is of type np.float64?

CodePudding user response:

IIUC, you can try DataFrame.applymap to check each cell type and get the first row if it is Series

df = df.applymap(lambda x: x.iloc[0] if type(x) == pd.Series else x)

CodePudding user response:

It works as expected for O.loc["192693-icsd", "192401-icsd"] = O.loc["192693-icsd", "192401-icsd"][0]

Check this colab link: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1XFXuj4OBu8GXQx6DTqv04XellmFcFWbC?usp=sharing

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