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How do I create 2 responsive column divs that stack on top of each at different screen sizes?


Updated question and provided more clarity:

How do I create two responsive divs that sit next to each other and stack on top of each other at different screen sizes? The dimensions are specific (each div is 350 x 217 px).

One div will have a text centred horizontally within the div but also left aligned and the other will be an image.

Below is the ideal end result. I'm a newbie to dev and this is for an assignment that's overdue. I've been fiddling around for the past couple of days and I keep going round in circles.

enter image description here

Responsive view on smaller screens:

enter image description here

  * {
  box-sizing: border-box;

.column {
  flex: 1;

.left {
  background-color: #e0e620;

.center {
  margin: auto;
  border: 3px solid green;
  padding: 50px 50px;

.right {
  background-color: #E5E5E5;

.row {
  display: flex;

img {
  width: 100%;
  display: block;

@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
  .row {
    width: 100vw;
    display: block;
<div >
  <div >
    <div >The Info.<br />
      <a  href="" title="Info 
        guide">Download now</a>

  <div >
    <img src="https://via.placeholder.com/350x217.jpg">

The image is 350 x 217. Here is the ideal look below:

The below screen is what I would like to achieve without changing the existing width and height of yellow div? How do I go about achieving that?

CodePudding user response:

  1. add display: grid to the parent element .row;
  2. add grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr to the parent element (.row) to have a 2-column layout.
  3. For screens at 600px or below you change the grid-template-columns to 1fr for the element .row to get a 1-column layout. To have both elements have the same height, you can use grid-auto-rows: 1fr on the parent element.
  4. To maintain the normal block-level-behavior you add display: flex; flex-direction: column to the .left column. Flexbox will allow you do vertical center the text.
  5. To vertical center the text you have to align it to the main-axis (flex-direction: column) with justify-content: center

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;

.row {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;

@media only screen
  and (max-width: 600px) {
    .row {
      grid-template-columns: 1fr;
      grid-auto-rows: 1fr;

.left {
  background-color: yellow;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: center;
img {
  width: 100%;
  display: block;
  object-fit: contain;
<div >
  <div >
    <div >The Info.<br />
      <a  href="" title="Info 
        guide">Download now</a>

  <div >
    <img src="https://via.placeholder.com/350x217.jpg">

CodePudding user response:

Your question needs work.

You want the specific div widths to be 350px x 217px, but when you get to a min-width of 600px, that width of 350px isn't going to work anymore. You will struggle to have a responsive page if you set explicit heights and widths. You need to let elements fill their spaces naturally.

That said, I've created a solution that I think would work best based on the images you've provided.

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

img {
  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto;

.container {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
@media screen and (min-width: 600px) {
  .container {
    flex-direction: row;
    min-height: 217px;

.inner {
  background-color: #E0E61F;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: flex-start;
  flex-direction: column;
  width: 100%;
  min-height: 217px;
.inner span {
  padding-left: 1rem;
  min-height: unset;
.inner img {
  min-height: 217px;
  object-fit: cover;
<div >
  <div >
    <span><a href="#">The Info</a></span>
    <span>Download Now</span>
  <div >
    <img src="https://placekitten.com/1600/900" alt="">

CodePudding user response:

Like mentioned above i would start with mobile view. You can create a parent div around your two boxes called container with the following css properties

display:flex flex-direction: column

Then add a media query set at the width you would like this divs to be side by side and change the flex direction on your container div to row

flex-direction: row

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