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I did not get the Desired Outcome for this Question in Kotlin?


So I was creating an adjacency list from an Undirected Graph

 val presentedGraph = listOf(
     listOf('i', 'j'),
     listOf('k', 'i'),
     listOf('m', 'k'),
     listOf('k', 'l'),
     listOf('o', 'n')

The outcome that I was looking for was this

        'i' to listOf('j', 'k'),
        'j' to listOf('i'),
        'k' to listOf('i', 'm', 'l'),
        'm' to listOf('k'),
        'l' to listOf('k'),
        'o' to listOf('n'),
        'n' to listOf('o')

But got this instead

{i=[i], j=[j], k=[k], l=[l], m=[m], n=[n], o=[o]}

Here's the code for it

fun undirectedPath (edges: List<List<Char>>, root: Char, destination: Char){
    val graph = buildGraph(edges)

fun buildGraph(edges: List<List<Char>>): HashMap<Char, List<Char>>{
    val graph = hashMapOf<Char, List<Char>>()

    for (i in edges.indices){
        for (j in edges[i].indices){
            val a = edges[i][j]
            val b = edges[i][j]
            if (!graph.containsKey(a)) { graph[a] = listOf() }
            if (!graph.containsKey(b)) { graph[b] = listOf() }
            graph[a] = listOf(b)
            graph[b] = listOf(a)
    return graph

Any help will be appreciated, Thank You.

CodePudding user response:

Several things wrong here:

  • The fact that you're setting both a and b to the same expression ought to be a clue that one of them is wrong! In fact a should be set to edges[i][0].
  • Because j runs from 0, it effectively assumes an extra edge from each node to itself. To avoid that, j should skip the first item and start from 1.
  • Each time you assign graph[a] and graph[b], you discard any previous items. That's why the result has only one target for each edge. To fix that, you need to add() the target to the existing list…
  • …which means that each target list must be a MutableList.

Those changes should be enough to get the result you want.

However, there are still several code smells present. For one thing, the input is a list of lists — but each of the inner lists has exactly two items. It would be neater to use a more precise structure, such as a Pair.

And it's always worth being aware of the standard library, which includes a wide range of manipulations and algorithms. In this case, you could replace the whole function with a one-liner:

fun buildGraph(edges: List<Pair<Char, Char>>)
    = (edges   edges.map{ it.second to it.first })
    .groupBy({ it.first }, { it.second })

As well as being a good deal shorter, that also makes it a good deal clearer what it's doing: combining the list of edges with the reverse list, and returning a map from each node to the list of nodes it connects to/from.

CodePudding user response:

You can try this.

  val hashMap = HashMap<Char, ArrayList<Char>>()
    presentedGraph.forEach { list ->
        list.forEach { char ->
            if (!hashMap.containsKey(char)) {
                hashMap[char] = arrayListOf()
            hashMap[char]?.addAll(list.filter { char != it }.toList().distinct())


{i=[j, k], j=[i], k=[i, m, l], l=[k], m=[k], n=[o], o=[n]}
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