I'm using an example of pysimplegui from here
The form on choosing listbox1
submitted data on the listbox column has added unwanted bracket
my question is, how to exclude the bracket? i dont know how to define the listbox variable to exclude the bracket ( line number 44 listbox_names = ('Listbox 1', 'Listbox 2', 'Listbox 3') )
the full py codes is as below :
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import pandas as pd
import re
from pathlib import Path
import time
from openpyxl import Workbook
path_to_file = 'All_Element_Data_Entry.xlsx'
path = Path(path_to_file)
if path.is_file():
print(f'The file {path_to_file} exists')
print(f'The file {path_to_file} does not exist')
print(f'Creating {path_to_file} ....')
#https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/158402 problem creating xlsx #https://openpyxl.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ how to create blank workbook using openpyxl
wb = Workbook()
ws = wb.active
ws['A1'] = "Full Name"
sg.set_options(element_padding=(3,2)) #tight padding
EXCEL_FILE = path_to_file
df = pd.read_excel(EXCEL_FILE,engine='openpyxl')
def block_focus(window):
for key in window.key_dict: # Remove dash box of all Buttons
element = window[key]
if isinstance(element, sg.Button):
# ------ Menu Definition ------ #
menu_def = [['File', ['Open', 'Save', 'Exit', 'Properties']],
['Edit', ['Paste', ['Special', 'Normal', ], 'Undo'], ],
['Help', 'About...'], ]
# ------ Column Definition ------ #
column1 = [[sg.Text('Column 1', background_color='#F7F3EC', justification='center', size=(10, 1))],
[sg.Spin(values=('Spin Box 1', '2', '3'), key='spin_box1', initial_value='Spin Box 1')],
[sg.Spin(values=('Spin Box 1', '2', '3'), key='spin_box2', initial_value='Spin Box 2')],
[sg.Spin(values=('Spin Box 1', '2', '3'), key='spin_box3', initial_value='Spin Box 3')]]
listbox_names = ('Listbox 1', 'Listbox 2', 'Listbox 3')
list_Menu_Option = ['Menu Option 1', 'Menu Option 2', 'Menu Option 3']
list_combobox = ['Goverment', 'Private'] # set listbox https://www.programcreek.com/python/example/116007/PySimpleGUI.Listbox
lst = ('Full Citizen', 'Resident', 'Legal Migrant')
lst2 = ('Male', 'Female', 'Mix')
addressee1 = [[sg.Frame('Address 1',[[
sg.Multiline(default_text='This is the default Text should you decide not to type anything', key='default_text_multiline11', size=(35, 3))
addressee2 = [[sg.Frame('Address 2',[[
sg.Multiline(default_text='A second multi-line', key='default_text_multiline12', size=(35, 3))
Occupation = [[sg.Frame('Occupation',[[
sg.InputCombo(list_combobox, key='combo_box', size=(20, 1))
Age = [[sg.Frame('Age',[[
sg.Slider(range=(1, 100),key='slider_range_bar', orientation='h', size=(18, 20), default_value=85)
Expertise = [[sg.Frame('Expertise',[[
sg.InputOptionMenu(list_Menu_Option, key='menu_option')
column_header = ['Full Name','ID Copy', 'Birth Cert Copy', 'Citizen', 'Gender', 'Address 1', 'Address 2', 'combo_box', 'slider_range_bar', 'menu_option', 'listbox_names', 'slider_range1', 'slider_range2', 'slider_range3', 'spin_box1', 'spin_box2', 'spin_box3']
frame_text_color = 'white'
tab1_layout = [
[sg.Text('Here is some text.... and a place to enter text')],
[sg.Text('Full Name', size=(9,1),key='full_name_label' ), sg.InputText('Applicant Full Name',key='default_text1' ),sg.Checkbox("Overwrite", default=False, enable_events=True, key='Overwrite_Existing_or_Not')],
[sg.Checkbox('ID Copy', size=(10,1), key='Checkbox1'), sg.Checkbox('Birth Cert Copy', key='Checkbox2', default=True)],
], title='Documents Copy',title_color=frame_text_color, relief=sg.RELIEF_SUNKEN, tooltip='Choose wether to provide both or any of two')],
[sg.Frame('Applicant Basic Info',[[
sg.Radio(text, "Citizen", enable_events=True, key=f"Radio {i}")
for i, text in enumerate(lst)
sg.Radio(text, "Gender", enable_events=True, key=f"Radio2 {i}")
for i, text in enumerate(lst2)
[sg.Column(addressee1, element_justification='c'), sg.Column(addressee2, element_justification='c')]
], title='Communication Address',title_color=frame_text_color, relief=sg.RELIEF_SUNKEN, tooltip='Choose wether to provide both or any of two')],
[sg.Column(Occupation, element_justification='c'), sg.Column(Age, element_justification='c'), sg.Column(Expertise, element_justification='c')]
], title='Working Environment',title_color=frame_text_color, relief=sg.RELIEF_SUNKEN)]
tab2_layout = [
[sg.Listbox(listbox_names, key='listbox_names', size=(30, 3)),
sg.Frame('Labelled Group',[[
sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='v', size=(5, 20), default_value=25, key='slider_range1'),
sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='v', size=(5, 20), default_value=75, key='slider_range2'),
sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='v', size=(5, 20), default_value=10, key='slider_range3'),
sg.Column(column1, background_color='#F7F3EC')]])]
layout = [
[sg.Menu(menu_def, tearoff=True)],
[sg.Text('Register New Student', size=(30, 1), justification='center', font=("Helvetica", 25),text_color=frame_text_color)],
[sg.TabGroup([[sg.Tab('Basic Info', tab1_layout, ), sg.Tab('Background', tab2_layout)]])],
[sg.Push(),sg.Text('_' * 40), sg.Text('Choose & Save to a Folder', size=(21, 1), pad=((20,0),0)),sg.Text('_' * 40), sg.Push()],
[sg.Text('Your Folder', size=(15, 1), auto_size_text=False, justification='right'),
sg.InputText('Default Folder',do_not_clear=False), sg.FolderBrowse()],
[sg.Submit(tooltip='Click to submit this window'), sg.Button('Clear'), sg.Exit()],
[sg.StatusBar("", size=(0, 1), key='-STATUS-')]
window = sg.Window('Registration Form', layout, default_element_size=(40, 1), size=(890, 770),element_justification='c', grab_anywhere=False , use_default_focus=False, finalize=True)
def clear_input(): #clear input after SUBMITTED DATA
window['-STATUS-'].update('Success! Registration has been submitted!',text_color='green')
return None
def clear_input2(): #clear input after BUTTON CLEAR Click
return None
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit':
elif event == 'Clear':
elif event == 'Refresh':
elif event.startswith("Radio"):
text = window[event].Text
elif event == 'Submit':
radio_value = window['Radio 0'].TKIntVar.get()
textradio = lst[radio_value % 1000] if radio_value else None
radio_value2 = window['Radio2 0'].TKIntVar.get()
textradio2 = lst2[radio_value2 % 1000] if radio_value2 else None
checkbox_value = window['Checkbox1'].TKIntVar.get()
textcheckbox = 'With ID' if checkbox_value else None
checkbox_value2 = window['Checkbox2'].TKIntVar.get()
textcheckbox2 = 'With Birth Cert' if checkbox_value2 else None
fullnametext = values['default_text1']
#https://stackoverflow.com/a/5188909/9222942 how-to-check-a-string-for-specific-characters
chars = set('("0123456789$,./~!"@#%^&*()_- =")')
if fullnametext == '':
print('Name Field Should not be empty!')
state = "Name Field Should not be empty!"
sg.popup('Name Field Should not be empty!!',text_color='red')
#https://github.com/PySimpleGUI/PySimpleGUI/issues/4237#issuecomment-830732453 [Question] How can I check if an Input Box is empty before pressing a button?
elif any((c in chars) for c in fullnametext):
print('Input is an integer number.This is a number, Name Field Should not be integer or mixed with!')
state = "Input is an integer number.This is a number, Name Field Should not be integer or mixed with!"
sg.popup('Input is an integer number.This is a number, Name Field Should not be integer or mixed with!!',text_color='red')
print("This is not a number. proceed to submit")
record = [values['default_text1'],textcheckbox,textcheckbox2,textradio,textradio2,values['default_text_multiline11'],values['default_text_multiline12'],values['combo_box'],values['slider_range_bar'],values['menu_option'],values['listbox_names'],values['slider_range1'],values['slider_range2'],values['slider_range3'],values['spin_box1'],values['spin_box2'],values['spin_box3']]
# dataframe issue https://stackoverflow.com/a/50186267/9222942 valueerror-shape-of-passed-values-is-1-6-indices-imply-6-6
new_record = pd.DataFrame([record], columns=column_header)
df = pd.concat([df, new_record], ignore_index=True)
if values['Overwrite_Existing_or_Not'] == True:
df_last_record = df.drop_duplicates(subset=["Full Name"], keep="last") #KEEP the LATEST Update
df_last_record.to_excel(path_to_file, index=False)
state = "Success! New Data Submitted!"
sg.popup('Existing Data has been overwriten!')
sg.popup('New Data Submitted',
'The results of the window.',
'The button clicked was "{}"'.format(event),
'The values are', record)
clear_input() # or use this https://stackoverflow.com/a/68729027/9222942 pysimplegui-how-do-you-remove-text-from-input-text-box
#https://stackoverflow.com/a/59333786/9222942 how-do-i-implement-checkbox-functionality-in-pysimpleguiqt
elif values['Overwrite_Existing_or_Not'] == False:
df.to_excel(EXCEL_FILE, index=False)
duplicated = df.duplicated(subset=["Full Name"],keep=False)
print('print next(iter(duplicated[::-1])) ')
print( next(iter(duplicated[::-1])) )
data_read = next(iter(duplicated[::-1])) #https://stackoverflow.com/a/69147940/9222942 how-do-i-get-the-last-element-of-a-list?rq=1
if data_read == True:
df_last_record = df.drop_duplicates(subset=["Full Name"], keep="first") #KEEP the OLD Update never submit new if duplicate
df_last_record.to_excel(path_to_file, index=False)
state2 = "Name should not be a duplicate! User submitted data has been dumped!"
sg.popup('Duplicate detected! Data has not been saved!',text_color='red')
print("no duplicates detected! Saving data..")
df_last_record = df.drop_duplicates(subset=["Full Name"], keep="first") #KEEP the OLD Update never submit new if duplicate
df_last_record.to_excel(path_to_file, index=False)
state = "Success! Data Submitted!"
sg.popup('Data saved!')
sg.popup('Result Submitted',
'The results of the window.',
'The button clicked was "{}"'.format(event),
'The values are', record)
#Useful references below :
#https://stackoverflow.com/a/70385882/9222942 overwrite-an-excel-sheet-with-pandas-dataframe-without-affecting-other-sheets
#https://stackoverflow.com/a/61933121/9222942 how-to-overwrite-data-on-an-existing-excel-sheet-while-preserving-all-other-shee
#https://stackoverflow.com/a/5188909/9222942 how-to-check-a-string-for-specific-characters
#https://www.pysimplegui.org/en/latest/cookbook/#recipe-collapsible-sections-visible-invisible-elements MOST important REFERENCE for pysimplegui
# use this to install as EXE --> pyinstaller -wF All_Element with TAB.py
#https://blog.finxter.com/pd-to_excel-saving-data-to-excel/ index with label
please help, tq!
CodePudding user response:
Try to confirm what data generated by your GUI and if it is in correct format before it sent to pandas
or openpyxl
It's not necessary to post a long script, short script is better here to demo your issue.
Returned value is in format of a list for there maybe lot of items selected.
import PySimpleGUI as sg
listbox_names = ('Listbox 1', 'Listbox 2', 'Listbox 3')
layout = [
[sg.Listbox(listbox_names, key='listbox_names', size=(30, 3))],
window = sg.Window('Registration Form', layout)
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
elif event == 'Submit' and values['listbox_names']:
selection1 = values['listbox_names']
selection2 = values['listbox_names'][0]
print(f"Wrong data you got: {selection1}")
print(f"Correct data should be: '{selection2}'")
Wrong data you got: ['Listbox 2']
Correct data should be: 'Listbox 2'