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Mongoose findOneAndUpdate object in array


I would like to insert or update an object in an array, but I dont know how to do it.

My Schema:

const TelemetrySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  Client: {
    type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: 'Client',
      _id: false,
        type: Number,
        required: true,
        unique: true,
      Name: {
        type: String,
        trim: true,
        required: true,
        unique: true,

I would like to update MQTT_FIELD in my TelemetrySchema:

First, search for Client in Telemetry, insert in MQTT_FIELD, if not exist:

Index = 1, Name = 'K1'

Second, serach for Client in Telemetry, update if not exist

Index = 1, Name = 'K-1'

What did I so far:

    const telemetry = await Telemetry.findOneAndUpdate(
        MQTT_CLIENT: req.body.Client,
        'MQTT_FIELD.Index': { $ne: req.body.Field.Index },
        $addToSet: {
          MQTT_FIELD: {
            Index: req.body.Field.Index,
            Name: req.body.Field.Name,
        upsert: true,
        new: true,
        omitUndefined: true,

Inserting in an empty Array MQTT_FIELD works well, but updating is my problem.

I am getting the following error:

duplicate key error collection: mycollection.telemetries index: MQTT_FIELD.Index_1 dup key: { MQTT_FIELD.Index: 1 }

And here is my request body:

  "Client": "stackoverflow",
            "Index": 1,
            "Name": "S1"

Thanks in advance.

CodePudding user response:

You will have to use the aggregation-pipeline form of update in MongoDb. Something like this:

  "client": "stackoverflow"
    "$set": {
      "MQTT_FIELD": {
        "$cond": {
          "if": {
            "$eq": [
                "$size": {
                  "$filter": {
                    "input": "$MQTT_FIELD",
                    "as": "elem",
                    "cond": {
                      "$eq": [
                        2 <--- Substitute the index from your request body here
          "then": {
            "$concatArrays": [
                  name: "S1", <--- Substitute the name from your request body here
                  index: 1 <--- Substitute the index from your request body here
          "else": {
            "$map": {
              "input": "$MQTT_FIELD",
              "as": "elem",
              "in": {
                "$setField": {
                  "field": "name",
                  "input": "$$elem",
                  "value": "S1" <-- substitute the name from your request body here.

Note you can use either update OR findOneAndUpdate, any function will work. Here's the playground link.

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