I am having some trouble trying to loop the Solver for "ma" varying from 2 to "n"a in the code below, in which "ma" is a preset number which is equal the number of columns in the sheet "Dados Brutos - A". The problem happens by the time I try to configure the argument "ByChange". I want to define there a range from cells column "na" (A, B, C and so on) and rows 6, 7 and 8. Can anybody help me? I've attached a print to show what exactly I am aiming to do.
The code below solved the problem, thanks to Алексей Р. Hope this post helps anyone else having the same problem.
Sub AjustarCurvas_A()
' Ajusta equações de segundo grau às amostras selecionadas
Dim na As Integer, ma As Integer
Sheets("Dados Brutos - A").Select
na = Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column
Sheets("Det. Ruído - A").Select
With ActiveSheet
For ma = 2 To na
SolverOk SetCell:=.Cells(2, ma), MaxMinVal:=2, ValueOf:=0, ByChange:=.Cells(6, ma).Resize(3), _
Engine:=1, EngineDesc:="GRG Nonlinear"
SolverSolve (True)
Next ma
End With
End Sub
Here are prints of sheets "Dados Brutos - A" and "Det. Ruído - A"
What I did was count how many columns I had on "Dados Brutos - A" and called that number "na". Then I used the solver ("na" - 1) times to vary the values on cells (B6:B9) and optimize the value calculated from them on cell B14. Then (C6:C9) to optimize C14 and so on, until I reached column CN, in that specific case.
CodePudding user response:
The task is not completely clear, but tried to make the code workable. In particular, in the code there are names of two sheets, and a screenshot of only one. The objective function of the search for a solution is not clear - what is the relationship between cells C5:C7 and C8. Added debug message Debug.Print ...
to monitor progress
Sub Macro1()
Dim n As Integer, m As Integer
' the purpose of this piece of code is not clear
' Sheets("Dados Brutos - A").Select
' n = WorksheetFunction.CountA("B:B")
n = 3 ' for example
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("A") ' "Det. Ruído - A" - my excel does not accept one of the characters
For m = 2 To n
Debug.Print "Trying to process range [" & .Cells(5, m).Resize(3).Address & "] to minimize value in cell " & .Cells(8, m).Address
SolverOk SetCell:=.Cells(8, m), MaxMinVal:=2, ByChange:=.Cells(5, m).Resize(3), _
Engine:=1, EngineDesc:="GRG Nonlinear"
' not working - message window will be appear
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Next m
End With
End Sub
Trying to process range [$B$5:$B$7] to minimize value in cell $B$8
Trying to process range [$C$5:$C$7] to minimize value in cell $C$8
CodePudding user response:
Problem solved. The solution is detailed as an "edit" in the question.