I am currently in the processing of self making an inventory system, and am trying to better organize my code in specific classes and methods. Currently, I am trying to organize a class that does user input, sends that input to another class to use.
Here is my relevant code:
class user_interaction(object):
def __init__(self):
self.name = self.ask()
self.options = self.ask_options()
self.add_item_num = None
self.add_item_price = None
self.add_item_quant = None
self.add_item_name = None
def ask(self):
while 1:
name = input("What is your name?\n")
if name == "":
print("Ha! You have to enter a name!")
print("Welcome to the Shepherdstown Bake Shop " name)
return name
def ask_options(self):
while 1:
option = input('''What would you like to do? \n1. Add a Item: \n2. Delete a Item:\n3. Edit an Item: \n4. View Inventory \n5. End Program\n''')
if option == '1':
print("Welcome to the adding process " self.name)
def enter_data(message, typ):
while True:
v = typ(input(message))
except ValueError:
print(f"Thats not an {typ}!")
return v
def add_item_interaction(self):
self.add_item_num = enter_data("What is the items #?\n", int)
self.add_item_price = enter_data("What is the items price?\n", float)
self.add_item_quant = enter_data("What is the items quantity?\n", int)
while True:
self.add_name = enter_data("What is the items name?\n", str)
if name == "":
print("Ha! You have to enter a name!")
and my other class
class DataBase_Management(object):
def __init__(self):
self.result = []
def make_dict_items(self):
with open("Items2.csv") as fp:
reader = csv.reader(fp)
labels = next(reader, None)
result = []
for row in reader:
if row:
row[0] = int(row[0])
row[1] = float(row[1])
row[2] = int(row[2])
pairs = zip(labels, row)
def add_item(self):
#Make Entries the variables in new_row???
new_row = [item_num, price, quant, name]
with open("Items2.csv", "a ") as fp:
reader = csv.reader(fp)
labels = next(reader, None)
writer = csv.writer(fp)
new_record = dict(zip(labels, new_row))
print("Item Added! Check Inventory Again to see!")
How would I make it so the entries gotten in class User_interaction
, in the method add_item_interaction
, are sent to the add_item
method in the DataBase_Management
class? For example, I am trying to make it where self.add_item_num = item_num
in the add_item
method in the database management class?
CodePudding user response:
It sounds like the User_Interaction
class should have its own Database_Management
instance and use it when necessary:
class User_Interaction:
def __init__(self):
self.database = DataBase_Management()
def add_item_interaction(self):
add_item_num = self.enter_data("What is the items #?\n", int)
add_item_price = self.enter_data("What is the items price?\n", float)
add_item_quant = self.enter_data("What is the items quantity?\n", int)
while True:
add_name = self.enter_data("What is the items name?\n", str)
if add_name == "":
print("Ha! You have to enter a name!")
self.database.add_item(add_item_num, add_item_price, add_item_quant, add_name)
class DataBase_Management:
def __init__(self):
self.result = []
def add_item(self, item_num, price, quant, name):