Home > Blockchain >  How to split column values by comma and return it as an array
How to split column values by comma and return it as an array


As you can see below I have Name column. I want to split it by / and return the value in array.


Id Name
1 John/Warner/Jacob
2 Kol

If I write a query as

Select Id, Name from MyTable

it will return

        "id": 1,
        "name": "John/Warner/Jacob",
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Kol",

Which query should I write to get below result ?

        "id": 1,
        "name": ["John", "Warner", "Jacob"],
        "id": 2,
        "name": ["Kol"] ,

CodePudding user response:

Don't think you can return an array in the query itself, but you could do this...

  SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '/', 1) 
    AS name_part_1,
  SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '/', -1) 
    AS name_part_2
FROM tableName;

Only way to build it as an array would be when processing the result accordingly in whatever language you are using.

CodePudding user response:

You can define a function split, which is based on the fact that substring_index(substring_index(name,'/',x),'/',-1) will return the x-th part of a name when separated by '/'.

CREATE FUNCTION `test`.`SPLIT`(s varchar(200), c char, i integer) RETURNS varchar(200) CHARSET utf8mb4
  DECLARE retval varchar(200);
  WITH RECURSIVE split as (
    select 1 as x,substring_index(substring_index(s,c,1),c,-1) as y, s 
    union all 
    select x 1,substring_index(substring_index(s,c,x 1),c,-1),s from split where x<= (LENGTH(s) - LENGTH(REPLACE(s,c,''))) 
  SELECT y INTO retval FROM split WHERE x=i ;
  return retval;

and then do:

with mytable as (
   select 1 as Id, 'John/Warner/Jacob' as Name
   union all
   select 2, 'Kol')
    id, split(Name,'/',x) as name
from mytable
cross join (select 1 as x union all select 2 union all select 3) x
order by id, name;


Id name
1 Jacob
1 John
1 Warner
2 [NULL]
2 [NULL]
2 Kol
  1. It is, of course, possible to refine this, and leave out the NULL values ...
  2. I will not convert this output to JSON for you ...
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