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Data model and querying inventory status with stock movement support


I am developing an inventory/warehouse stock tracking system where stocks' quantities can be deducted (sold or used) or moved to another warehouse/location.

Here are my current tables (simplified):

    id text /* id of the stock */
    quantity int /* original quantity when the stock is first received */
    location_id int /* where stock is physically located at */
    attributes jsonb /* properties of the stock like size, color, length, etc. */
    created_at datetime /* self-explanatory */

CREATE TABLE transfers
    id text /* transfer id */
    stock_id text /* id of the stock to be transferred*/
    transfer_quantity int /* how much of the original stock quantity should be transferred */
    to_location_id int /* can be null, if null = used or sold, if not null = transferred to another location */
    created_at datetime /* self-explanatory */

/*Dummy Data*/
INSERT INTO stocks(id, quantity, location_id) VALUES ('id1', 10, 1);
INSERT INTO stocks(id, quantity, location_id) VALUES ('id2', 10, 2);

/*transfers, (used or sold quantities from specific stocks) */
INSERT INTO transfers(stock_id, transfer_quantity) VALUES ('id1', 1);
INSERT INTO transfers(stock_id, transfer_quantity) VALUES ('id1', 1);

INSERT INTO transfers(stock_id, transfer_quantity) VALUES ('id2', 1);
INSERT INTO transfers(stock_id, transfer_quantity) VALUES ('id2', 2);

/*transfer some quantities of a certain stock to another location inside the warehouse */
INSERT INTO transfers(stock_id, transfer_quantity, to_location_id) VALUES ('id2', 1, 1);

I am following a transactional approach/strategy to query the stocks where I subtract the sum of the transfer quantities from the original quantity from the stocks table like below:

SELECT stocks.id,
       sum(transfers.transfer_quantity) AS transferred_quantity_total,
       (stocks.quantity - coalesce(sum(transfers.transfer_quantity), 0)) AS remaining_qty
FROM stocks
LEFT JOIN transfers ON transfers.stock_id = stocks.id 
WHERE transfers.to_location_id IS NULL
GROUP BY stocks.id,
HAVING (stocks.quantity - coalesce(sum(transfers.transfer_quantity), 0)) > 0 /* to only get the stocks on hand */
ORDER BY stocks.id;

Problems, questions, concerns.

  1. This query works well for subtracting the used or sold stocks and seeing the stocks on hand but I am not sure how should I query the data to also subtract and see the moved stocks (which will have non-null 'to_location_id' columns) with their new locations. How can I modify the query to get the desired outcome like below?

Desired result (4 qty of the stock with 'id2' is transferred, 3 out of those 4 transfer transactions are used or sold, 1 of those transfers relates to a stock movement to a new location, so in the end I have 6 qty remaining in location 2 and 1 qty remaining in location 1)

  1. My data model-design may not be the optimal model for my requirements, if so, how can I model my data to reach the desired outcomes? (To be able to subtract sold, used or moved stock quantities and seeing the remaining quantities moved quantities with their current locations). I also need to be able to query locations (including new locations if a stock is moved) with a WHERE clause.

  2. I think if I can find a way to eliminate the original quantity column from the 'stocks' table I could achieve a ledger-like data model where everything related to quantities is stored in a single table. But again, I am not exactly sure how to design this ledger-like transaction table to fulfill my use-cases (aforementioned queries).

Here is a dbfiddle instance with the relevant query and data: https://dbfiddle.uk/GgU4hLRz

I am eager to hear your opinions. Thanks in advance!

CodePudding user response:

This question will be probably closed because it is likely to be answered by opinions. However let me suggest that the usual approach adopted by all the WMSs I know of is, like you yourself hinted, ledger based.

Simply record every incoming or outgoing quantity in a different row - i.e., a transfer will be represented by two records, a negative quantity at the "from" location, and a positive one at the "to" location. This way the available quantity at a location, or in the whole warehouse, is just the algebric sum of all the entries.

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