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Vba copy paste slows with more records


I'm trying to help someone who has to go through 80k rows on excel between two sheets and identify differences and then load the changed records into a database.

The below code works but slows down significantly with bigger data set, at 10k rows it takes 00:02:22 but with 20k it takes 00:10:13, full 80k rows takes under 2 hours which is still a lot faster than someone doing it manually over a day but I hoping someone can tell me what can potentially be impacting the performance with a higher number of records and how I can solve it?

Sub Button1_Click()

'Option Explicit
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False

Set Day1_Sheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Day1")
Set Day2_Sheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Day2")
Set VBA_Export = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("VBA_Export")

Dim Day1Code, Day2Code As String
Dim Day1CodeRow As Long, Day2CodeRow As Long, CurrentRow As Long, CurrentColumn As Long, AccountsN As Long, n As Long
Dim LastEmptyColumnResult As Long, LastEmptyRowResult As Long
Dim BolUpdated As Boolean
Dim cTime, eTime As Variant

Day1_Sheet_Rows = Day1_Sheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
Day2_Sheet_Rows = Day2_Sheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row

LastEmptyColumnResult = 4
LastEmptyRowResult = 2
BolUpdated = False


cTime = Now()

For Each c In Day1_Sheet.Range("B2:B" & Day1_Sheet_Rows)

    BolUpdated = False

    Day1Code = c

    For Each e In Day2_Sheet.Range("B2:B" & Day2_Sheet_Rows)
        If c = e Then
            Day2Code = e
            Day2CodeRow = e.Row
            CurrentRow = c.Row
            Exit For
        End If
    Next e

    CurrentColumn = 3
    While CurrentColumn <> 17
        If Day1_Sheet.Cells(CurrentRow, CurrentColumn).Value = Day2_Sheet.Cells(Day2CodeRow, CurrentColumn).Value Then
            If BolUpdated Then
            Day2_Sheet.Rows(Day2CodeRow).EntireRow.Copy VBA_Export.Range("A" & LastEmptyRowResult)
            LastEmptyRowResult = LastEmptyRowResult   1
            BolUpdated = True
            End If
        End If
        CurrentColumn = CurrentColumn   1

Next c


Set Day1_Sheet = Nothing
Set Day2_Sheet = Nothing

eTime = Now()

MsgBox ("Start Time " & cTime & ".End Time " & eTime)

Debug.Print "Elapsed Time " & eTime - cTime

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub

CodePudding user response:

See below for suggestions for speeding up your process - basically do everything you can using arrays and avoid cell-by-cell access.

Sub Button1_Click()
    Const NUM_COLS As Long = 16 'number of columns in your datasets
    Dim Day1_Sheet As Worksheet, Day2_Sheet As Worksheet, VBA_Export As Worksheet
    Dim data1, data2, destRow As Long, changed As Boolean, rw1 As Long, rw2 As Variant
    Dim col As Long, cTime, eTime
    Set Day1_Sheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Day1")
    Set Day2_Sheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Day2")
    Set VBA_Export = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("VBA_Export")
    'load both datasets into arrays for faster access
    data1 = Day1_Sheet.Range("A1").Resize(Day1_Sheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row, NUM_COLS).Value
    data2 = Day2_Sheet.Range("A1").Resize(Day2_Sheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row, NUM_COLS).Value
    destRow = 2
    cTime = Now()
    GoFast   'turn on speed enhancements
    For rw1 = 2 To UBound(data1, 1)  'loop over Day1 data
        'try to match on colB - using Match on the worksheet is quite fast
        rw2 = Application.Match(data1(rw1, 2), Day2_Sheet.Columns("B"), 0) 'find matching row...
        If Not IsError(rw2) Then         'got a match on Day2 ?
            changed = False              'reset flag
            For col = 3 To NUM_COLS      'loop over columns
                If data1(rw1, col) <> data2(rw2, col) Then
                    changed = True       'flag row as changed
                    Exit For             'no need to check further
                End If
            Next col
            If changed Then              'Day2 is different?
                Day2_Sheet.Rows(rw2).Copy VBA_Export.Cells(destRow, "A")
                destRow = destRow   1    'next paste row
            End If
            'no Col B match was found. Do something?
        End If
    Next rw1
    GoFast False 'turn off speed enhancements
    eTime = Now()
    MsgBox ("Start Time " & cTime & ".End Time " & eTime)
    Debug.Print "Elapsed Time " & eTime - cTime
End Sub

'maximize code speed by turning off unneeded stuff
'******** must reset !!!!
Sub GoFast(Optional bYesNo As Boolean = True)
  With Application
      .ScreenUpdating = Not bYesNo
      .Calculation = IIf(bYesNo, xlCalculationManual, xlCalculationAutomatic)
  End With
End Sub
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