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404 not found on DELETE & PUT methods, but route exist - Laravel & vue js


I don't know why and how, but when I'm trying to do a PUT or DELETE request, it display "404 not found" even tho the route exist and that everything worked before...

My project is base on Laravel & Vuejs

The GET requests are working, I can see the views, I can even make a POST request to store something in my database, but as soon as I want to DELETE or PUT anything, it fails, can't find the route.

Route list

I tried those commands

  • php artisan optimize
  • php artisan route:cache
  • php artisan view:clear
  • php artisan config:cache

But that doesn't work. We can see the routes in php artisan route:list command tho... All the controllers exist and their functions. I tried to change the name of them, change the route url and a bunch of other stuff, but still not working. Like I said, erverything was working last time that I tried those types of request. We can also see clairly in the web inspector that the URL request is good.

enter image description here


Route::middleware(['auth:sanctum', config('jetstream.auth_session'), 'verified',])->group(function () {
    Route::controller(DashboardController::class)->group(function () {
        Route::get('/dashboard', 'Index')->name('dashboard');
    Route::controller(SensorController::class)->group(function () {
        Route::prefix('/sensor')->group(function () {
            Route::get('/', 'Index')->name('sensor');
            Route::post('/store', 'Store')->name('sensor.store');
            Route::put('/update/{sensor}', 'Update')->name('sensor.update');
            Route::delete('/destroy/{sensor}', 'Destroy')->name('sensor.destroy');


public function Update(Request $request, Sensor $sensor)
            'name' => [
            'limits_range' => [

        $sensor->name = $request->name;
        $sensor->limits_range = JSON_ENCODE($request->limits_range);
        $sensor->active = $request->active;

        return redirect()->route('sensor');

I really don't understand what's happening, thanks for your help!

CodePudding user response:

The issue here is due to the primary key of the Sensor model having been changed from id to another column within the database.

This means that when the {sensor} parameter passed to the route is not a value found in the models configured primary key column, Laravel will return a 404 - Not Found response.

If you want to use multiple keys for route model binding, you can configure the service in the RouteServiceProvider.

public function boot()
    Route::bind('sensor', function($value) {
        return Sensor::where('serial_number', $value)->orWhere(function ($query) use ($value) {
            if (is_numeric($value)) {
                $query->where('id', $value)


The above will attempt to find a record in the database where the serial_number column has the value of the {sensor} URI parameter. If not found it will attempt to find a record based on the id column (if {sensor} is numeric.

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