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Fetching HDFS Path In a List Dynamically Using Scala


I have one scenario where I need to collect a list of filepaths based on the number of hours in the current day folder.

I.e., I have the following path:


So here I will hardcode the path till '/user/hdfs/test/'. My code will append the partition_date using the date function and will take the current date.

Let's say the current timestamp is 2022-09-21 19:00 So here the date will be 2022-09-21 and the value of an hour will be 19.

I will pass the number of hours value from the spark submit command, so if this value is 2, the code will fetch the path of the last 2 hours . Let's say the current time is 2022-09-21 19:00 Then I need to fetch the paths.


Similarly, if hours 3, the need to fetch

/user/hdfs/test/partition_date=2022-09-21/hour=18 ,

At 00, 01,etc. hrs (at 12 am or after 12 am ) the current date will change to the next day's date, so if I pass the number of hours 2, it should fetch the previous hour from the previous date.

so the path will be :


If I pass the number of hours at 3 at 1 am hours ,

So basically, it should take


I am trying the below code locally, but here I need to hardcode the number of hours and accordingly I am generating the path.

var currentHour=0
var prevHour=
var flag = 0
var currpath = ""
var prevpath = ""
var CurrentDate = java.time.LocalDate.now
var PreviousDate=java.time.LocalDate.now.minusDays(1)

val now = Calendar.getInstance()
if ( now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) < 1) {
 currentHour = now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)
 prevHour = "23".toInt
else {
 currentHour = now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)
 prevHour = now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) - 1
val hdfsConf = new Configuration();

val path = "/user/hdfs/test/"

if(flag==0) {
 currpath =
  (path   "partition_date="   CurrentDate   "/"   "hour="   currentHour   "/")
 prevpath =
  (path   "partition_date="   PreviousDate   "/"   "hour="   prevHour   "/")
 currpath =
  (path   "partition_date="   CurrentDate   "/"   "hour="   currentHour   "/")
 prevpath =
  (path   "partition_date="   CurrentDate   "/"   "hour="   prevHour   "/")

Can someone please help me?

How to make it generic so I can pass the number of hours dynamically and, accordingly, it can take the paths in a list.

CodePudding user response:

Try this:

val currentTs = java.time.LocalDateTime.now
val hours = 3
val paths = (0 until hours)
  .map(h => currentTs.minusHours(h))
  .map(ts => s"/user/hdfs/test/partition_date=${ts.toLocalDate}/hour=${ts.getHour}")

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