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Keep getting gibberish output when trying to print an array in C


I am trying to write a program that reverses words in a sentence, the code is able to do that but also prints gibberish in between. (see below code for sample)

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_VALUE 50
int main(){
    char c[MAX_VALUE],
    int i = 0, j = 0;
    while ((c[i] = getchar()) != '\n'){
        i  ;
    for(i = MAX_VALUE; i >= 0; i--){
        if (c[i] == ' '){
            for(j = i 1; j < MAX_VALUE; j  ){
                if (c[j] != ' '){
                    printf("%c", c[j]);
            printf(" ");
    while (c[i] != ' '){
        printf("%c", c[i]);
        i  ;

Loop goes backwards when it detects a space it prints the word until it finds another space then goes backwards again from where it left off last

The input and output expected:

input: test a is this

output: this is a test

What I get:

input: test a is this


`����l�, �D     �=� is a test

CodePudding user response:

When you set up your initial for loop you set i to MAX_VALUE which is out of bounds for a char[MAX_VALUE] array, where the last index would be MAX_VALUE - 1

CodePudding user response:

This for loop

while ((c[i] = getchar()) != '\n'){
    i  ;

can write outside the array c and store the new line character '\n' in the array.

This outer for loop

 for(i = MAX_VALUE; i >= 0; i--){

is incorrect because the user can enter a string that contains less than MAX_VALUE symbols.

And it is not enough to check this condition

if (c[i] == ' '){

because the leading spaces can be absent in the entered string. So you need to check also whether i is equal to 0. Otherwise the first word will not be outputted.

The inner for loop

for(j = i 1; j < MAX_VALUE; j  ){

again is incorrect by the same reason of using MAX_VALUE in the condition.

Pay attention to that the array b

char c[MAX_VALUE],

is not used in your program.

Using your approach I can suggest the following solution to output words of a string in the reverse order shown in the demonstrative program below.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int main( void ) 
    const char *s = "test  a  is  this";

    for( size_t i = strlen( s ); i != 0; )
        while ( i != 0 && isblank( ( unsigned char )s[i-1]) )
            putchar( s[--i] ); 

        size_t j = i;

        while ( j != 0 && !isblank( ( unsigned char )s[j-1]) )

        if ( j != i )
            size_t last = i;
            i = j;
            while ( j != last )
                putchar( s[j  ] );

    putchar( '\n' );

The program output is

this  is  a  test
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