This is a sample code that allows me to delete all folders with the name ".RemoveAsap" attached to them
@echo on
set dir="\\TestPC2\c$\Users"
FOR /D /R %dir% %%X IN (*.RemoveAsap) DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%X"
Simply running the code as is runs perfectly but when I try to make the code more interactive, I get the error
@echo on
cd C:\Users\User1\Desktop\Test\
TYPE con >> LowDASD.txt
For /F %%A in (LowDASD.txt) do echo "\\%%A\c$\users\" >> LowDASD2.txt
set "LwDs"="LowDASD2.txt"
FOR /D /R "%LwDs%" %%X IN (*.RemoveAsap) DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%X"
LowDASD2.txt would be the address/ directory location where the directories will be deleted, IE \\TestPC2\c$\Users
The code does not delete anything or give an error that "the path is too long" at least it was doing that with the previous variations that I was trying. If someone can help me with this, i would greatly appreciate it.
CodePudding user response:
FOR /D /R "%LwDs%" %%X IN (*.RemoveAsap) DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%X"
Simply will not work, as %LwDs%
is a filename.
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%j in ("%LwDs%") do FOR /D /R "%%j" %%X IN (*.RemoveAsap) DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%X"
You would think might work - %%j
being assigned to each entry in the %LwDs%
file in turn; usebackq
used because the filename is "quoted" (see for /?
from the prompt for documentation)
But it doesn't - the for /d /r
syntax doesn't accept metavariables...
So - try
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%j in ("%LwDs%") do set "target=%%j"&call :expunge
Where expunge
is an internal subroutine. The colon is required
echo target="%target%"
FOR /d /r "%target%" %%X IN (*.RemoveAsap) DO echo RMDIR /S /Q "%%X"
echo ====================
goto :eof
An internal subroutine should be placed after an unconditional goto
, which should in your case follow the pause
goto :eof
Where :eof
(compulsory colon again) is defined as the physical end-of-file and should not be used as a user-label. Reaching physical end-of-file returns from a call
Always verify against a test directory before applying to real data.
Note that the rmdir
is merely being echo
ed for testing purposes - remove the echo
keyword after testing to activate.
CodePudding user response:
Try using FORFILES, instead of the command FOR, this way you can make it work like this:
:: forfiles /p "folder_location" 'args' '/c "cmd /c del /f /q @path"'
:: So...
cd C:\Users\User1\Desktop\Test\
TYPE con >> LowDASD.txt
For /F %%A in (LowDASD.txt) do echo "\\%%A\c$\users\" >> LowDASD2.txt
set "LwDs=LowDASD2.txt"
forfiles /p %LwDs% /s /c "cmd /c del /f /q @path"
:: You can use '/d -90' to delete files older than 90 days in the folder