Home > Blockchain >  Force with changing amplitude and frequency (start and stop of rotary machine)
Force with changing amplitude and frequency (start and stop of rotary machine)


I have a machine in stationary mode. When it begins to run, its frequency changes linearly (from 0 to fully operational frequency), then becomes constant and finally begins to decrease linearly (from fully operational frequency to 0).

I wrote the following code for this:

te = 300;     % seconds - time to get fully operative 
              % (to arrive from 0 to fully operational frequency) 
              % and to stop (from fully operational to 0)
me = 10;      % eccentric mass
e = 0.5;      % eccentricity of the eccentric mass
omega=0.2;    % fully operational force frequency

%   i need three time vectors 
tt0=[0:0.1:te];                 %   uphill frequency part (from 0 to fully operational frequency)
tt1=[te 0.1:0.1:1.5*te];        %   permanent fully operational frequency part 
tt2=[1.5*te 0.1:0.1:2.5*te];    %   downward frequency part (from fully operational frequency to 0)

tt_1=[tt0,tt1,tt2];             %   whole time vector


%   create a 3 force frequency vectors 
omega000=[0:delta_omega1:omega];    %   from 0 to fully operational frequency
omega001=omega*ones(1,n6);          %   permanent fully operational frequency part
omega002=[omega:-delta_omega2:0];   %   from fully operational frequency to 0

omega00=[omega000,omega001,omega002];   %   whole force frequency vector


%   force amplitude calculation
for j=1:n7
    p00(j,1) = (me*e*omega00(j)^2);
%   then i create 3 sin force vectors (for 3 different force frequency laws)
 for j=1:n5
    p_0010(j,1) = p00(j,1)*sin(omega/(2*te)*(tt0(j))^2);

for j=1:n6
    p_0011(j,1) = p00(j n5,1)*sin(omega*te omega*(tt1(j)-te));
for j=1:n8
    p_0012(j,1) = p00(j n6 n5,1)*sin((-1/2*omega*te omega*tt2(j)-...
        1/2*omega/te*((t2-te)^2 (tt2(j)-t2)^2)));

p_001=[p_0010;p_0011;p_0012];   %   whole force vector

figure (1)
plot (tt_1,omega00)
ylabel('force frequency')
grid on;
hold on

figure (2)
plot (tt_1,p_001)
ylabel('applied force')
grid on;
hold on

Which results in

enter image description here

This is correct.

But force diagram:

enter image description here

is incorrect.

How can I solve this problem? I don't need any discontinuity on the force diagram (because it produce a strange behavior of my system, like "parasite resonance" in this singular point).

CodePudding user response:

Your expression for the force is wrong. For unbalance force, its expression is me*omega^2*sin(omega*t) only if rotational speed omega is constant. If rotational speed is not constant (as is the case where it is linearly increasing or decreasing), its full expression is

enter image description here

For a rotary machine, you should have unbalance forces on the horizontal and vertical direction (second and third terms on the force vector above). δ is the phase angle, ϕ_dot is the rotational speed and ϕ_ddot is rotational acceleration. Notice that for linearly increasing or decreasing rotational speed, ϕ_ddot = α = constant, so your force expression should contain a term


for constant acceleration, the angular position is just as you defined. Just define properly the initial angular position phi_0 for each time interval (they are not zero, they are the last position for the previous time interval).

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