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How to assign values to multiple columns using conditions for values from other multiple columns?


Dataset is something like this (there will be duplicate rows in the original):

enter image description here


import pandas as pd

df_in = pd.DataFrame({'email_ID': {0: 'sachinlaltaprayoohoo',
  1: 'sachinlaltaprayoohoo',
  2: 'sachinlaltaprayoohoo',
  3: 'sachinlaltaprayoohoo',
  4: 'sachinlaltaprayoohoo',
  5: 'sachinlaltaprayoohoo',
  6: 'sheldon.yokoohoo',
  7: 'sheldon.yokoohoo',
  8: 'sheldon.yokoohoo',
  9: 'sheldon.yokoohoo',
  10: 'sheldon.yokoohoo',
  11: 'sheldon.yokoohoo'},
 'time_stamp': {0: '2021-09-10 09:01:56.340259',
  1: '2021-09-10 09:01:56.672814',
  2: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.471423',
  3: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.480891',
  4: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.484644',
  5: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.984644',
  6: '2021-09-10 09:01:56.340259',
  7: '2021-09-10 09:01:56.672814',
  8: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.471423',
  9: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.480891',
  10: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.484644',
  11: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.984644'},
 'screen': {0: 'rewardapp.SplashActivity',
  1: 'i1',
  2: 'rewardapp.Signup_in',
  3: 'rewardapp.PaymentFinalConfirmationActivity',
  4: 'rewardapp.Signup_in',
  5: 'i1',
  6: 'rewardapp.SplashActivity',
  7: 'i1',
  8: 'rewardapp.Signup_in',
  9: 'i1',
  10: 'rewardapp.Signup_in',
  11: 'rewardapp.PaymentFinalConfirmationActivity'}})

df_in['time_stamp'] = df_in['time_stamp'].astype('datetime64[ns]')


Output should be this:

enter image description here


import pandas as pd

df_out = pd.DataFrame({'email_ID': {0: 'sachinlaltaprayoohoo',
  1: 'sachinlaltaprayoohoo',
  2: 'sachinlaltaprayoohoo',
  3: 'sachinlaltaprayoohoo',
  4: 'sachinlaltaprayoohoo',
  5: 'sachinlaltaprayoohoo',
  6: 'sheldon.yokoohoo',
  7: 'sheldon.yokoohoo',
  8: 'sheldon.yokoohoo',
  9: 'sheldon.yokoohoo',
  10: 'sheldon.yokoohoo',
  11: 'sheldon.yokoohoo'},
 'time_stamp': {0: '2021-09-10 09:01:56.340259',
  1: '2021-09-10 09:01:56.672814',
  2: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.471423',
  3: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.480891',
  4: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.484644',
  5: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.984644',
  6: '2021-09-10 09:01:56.340259',
  7: '2021-09-10 09:01:56.672814',
  8: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.471423',
  9: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.480891',
  10: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.484644',
  11: '2021-09-10 09:01:57.984644'},
 'screen': {0: 'rewardapp.SplashActivity',
  1: 'i1',
  2: 'rewardapp.Signup_in',
  3: 'rewardapp.PaymentFinalConfirmationActivity',
  4: 'rewardapp.Signup_in',
  5: 'i1',
  6: 'rewardapp.SplashActivity',
  7: 'i1',
  8: 'rewardapp.Signup_in',
  9: 'i1',
  10: 'rewardapp.Signup_in',
  11: 'rewardapp.PaymentFinalConfirmationActivity'},
 'series1': {0: 0,
  1: 1,
  2: 2,
  3: 3,
  4: 0,
  5: 1,
  6: 0,
  7: 1,
  8: 2,
  9: 3,
  10: 4,
  11: 5},
 'series2': {0: 0,
  1: 0,
  2: 0,
  3: 0,
  4: 1,
  5: 1,
  6: 2,
  7: 2,
  8: 2,
  9: 2,
  10: 2,
  11: 2}})

df_out['time_stamp'] = df['time_stamp'].astype('datetime64[ns]')


'series1' column values starts row by row as 0, 1, 2, and so on but resets to 0 when:

  1. 'email_ID' column value changes.
  2. 'screen' column value == 'rewardapp.PaymentFinalConfirmationActivity'

'series2' column values starts with 0 and increments by 1 whenever 'series1' resets.

My progress:

series1 = [0]

x = 0

for index in df[1:].index:

  if ((df._get_value(index - 1, 'email_ID')) == df._get_value(index, 'email_ID')) and (df._get_value(index - 1, 'screen') != 'rewardapp.PaymentFinalConfirmationActivity'):

    x  = 1

    x = 0


df['series1'] = series1

series2 = [0]

x = 0

for index in df[1:].index:

  if df._get_value(index, 'series1') - df._get_value(index - 1, 'series1') == 1:

    x  = 1


df['series2'] = series2

I think the code above is working, I'll test answered codes and select the best in a few hours, thank you.

CodePudding user response:

Let's try

m = (df_in['email_ID'].ne(df_in['email_ID'].shift().bfill()) |

df_in['series1'] = df_in.groupby(m.cumsum()).cumcount()
df_in['series2'] = m.cumsum()

                email_ID                 time_stamp                                      screen  series1  series2
0   sachinlaltaprayoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:56.340259                    rewardapp.SplashActivity        0        0
1   sachinlaltaprayoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:56.672814                                          i1        1        0
2   sachinlaltaprayoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.471423                         rewardapp.Signup_in        2        0
3   sachinlaltaprayoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.480891  rewardapp.PaymentFinalConfirmationActivity        3        0
4   sachinlaltaprayoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.484644                         rewardapp.Signup_in        0        1
5   sachinlaltaprayoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.984644                                          i1        1        1
6       sheldon.yokoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:56.340259                    rewardapp.SplashActivity        0        2
7       sheldon.yokoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:56.672814                                          i1        1        2
8       sheldon.yokoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.471423                         rewardapp.Signup_in        2        2
9       sheldon.yokoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.480891                                          i1        3        2
10      sheldon.yokoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.484644                         rewardapp.Signup_in        4        2
11      sheldon.yokoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.984644  rewardapp.PaymentFinalConfirmationActivity        5        2

CodePudding user response:

You can use:

m = df_in['screen']=='rewardapp.PaymentFinalConfirmationActivity'
df_in['pf'] = np.where(m, 1, np.nan)
df_in.loc[m, 'pf'] = df_in[m].cumsum()
grouper = df_in.groupby('email_ID')['pf'].bfill()
df_in['series1'] = df_in.groupby(grouper).cumcount()
df_in['series2'] = df_in.groupby(grouper.fillna(0), sort=False).ngroup()
df_in.drop('pf', axis=1, inplace=True)


                email_ID                 time_stamp  \
0   sachinlaltaprayoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:56.340259   
1   sachinlaltaprayoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:56.672814   
2   sachinlaltaprayoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.471423   
3   sachinlaltaprayoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.480891   
4   sachinlaltaprayoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.484644   
5   sachinlaltaprayoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.984644   
6       sheldon.yokoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:56.340259   
7       sheldon.yokoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:56.672814   
8       sheldon.yokoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.471423   
9       sheldon.yokoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.480891   
10      sheldon.yokoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.484644   
11      sheldon.yokoohoo 2021-09-10 09:01:57.984644   

                                        screen  series1  series2  
0                     rewardapp.SplashActivity        0        0  
1                                           i1        1        0  
2                          rewardapp.Signup_in        2        0  
3   rewardapp.PaymentFinalConfirmationActivity        3        0  
4                          rewardapp.Signup_in        0        1  
5                                           i1        1        1  
6                     rewardapp.SplashActivity        0        2  
7                                           i1        1        2  
8                          rewardapp.Signup_in        2        2  
9                                           i1        3        2  
10                         rewardapp.Signup_in        4        2  
11  rewardapp.PaymentFinalConfirmationActivity        5        2 


  • First locate the rows where 'screen' is 'PaymentFinalConfirmationActivity' and then use cumsum() to identify their numbers. This is accomplished by:
  df_in['pf'] = np.where(m, 1, np.nan)
  df_in.loc[m, 'pf'] = df_in[m].cumsum()
  • Then use bfill to backfill the NaN values with the positions where 'screen' shows 'PaymentFinalConfirmationActivity'. This will ensure the above rows are of the same group, but do it per email_ID. This is accomplished by:
  grouper = df_in.groupby('email_ID')['pf'].bfill()
  • Then it is straightforward to see that once you define a grouper, you can use cumcount to get the series1 column. This is done by:
  df_in['series1'] = df_in.groupby(grouper).cumcount()
  • Then get series2 column by using ngroup(). But make sure the groupby is done with sort=False. Done by:
  df_in['series2'] = df_in.groupby(grouper.fillna(0), sort=False).ngroup()
  • Finally drop the unwanted column pf.
  df_in.drop('pf', axis=1, inplace=True)
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