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scraping with select/ option dropdown


List item

I am new to web scrapping and after a couple of Wikipedia pages I found this page where I wanted to extract the tables for all the portfolio managers. I am not able to use the things I found on the internet. I thought it would be easy since it's just a table but I am not able to extract even a single table after filling out the form. Can someone please tell me how I could get this done in R? I have added an image in this post but it seems to look like a link that says to enter image description here.

enter image description here

Lazy approach would be just using Copy as cURL in DevTools and heading to https://curlconverter.com/r/ to convert it to httr request.

resp <- httr::POST("https://www.sebi.gov.in/sebiweb/other/OtherAction.do?doPmr=yes", 
           body = list(

tables <- resp %>% 
  read_html() %>% 
  html_elements("table") %>% 

# first table:
#> # A tibble: 11 × 2
#>    X1                                                                      X2   
#>    <chr>                                                                   <chr>
#>  1 Name of the Portfolio Manager                                           "Aeq…
#>  2 Registration Number                                                     "INP…
#>  3 Date of Registration                                                    "201…
#>  4 Registered Address of the Portfolio Manager                             ",,,…
#>  5 Name of Principal Officer                                               ""   
#>  6 Email ID of the Principal Officer                                       ""   
#>  7 Contact Number (Direct) of the Principal Officer                        ""   
#>  8 Name of Compliance Officer                                              ""   
#>  9 Email ID of the Compliance Officer                                      ""   
#> 10 No. of clients as on last day of the month                              "124…
#> 11 Total Assets under Management (AUM) as on last day of the month (Amoun… "143…

Created on 2022-10-11 with reprex v2.0.2

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