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Retrieve Select-Object in variable


I have this foreach :

Foreach($Cert in $CertSame) {

    Foreach( $ChildCert in  Get-Childitem –path Cert:\LocalMachine\My\$($Cert.thumbprint)) {

        $ChildCert | Select-Object -Property Subject,@{n=’ExpireInDays’;e={($_.notafter – (Get-Date)).Days}}



The return is

Subject        ExpireInDays
-------        ------------
CN=*.x.be           311
CN=*.x.com           74

I need to save the subject in a variable, and the days in another variable.

Thanks for your help.

CodePudding user response:

You can try this -

$Variable = $ChildCert | Select-Object -Property Subject,@{n=’ExpireInDays’;e={($_.notafter – (Get-Date)).Days}};
$Subject = $Variable.Subject; 
$ExpireInDays = $Variable.ExpireInDays;
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